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47th Bobcat CC Invitational JV Boys

47th Bobcat CC Invitational JV Boys

MCC xc course - Marshalltown, IA

Sep. 9, 2021

70s and Sunny
Results by Cal Murdock

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                                  Last updated Sep. 9, 2021 6:45 PM

  1 Waukee Northwest         40    1    4    6    7   22   26   27  17:37.3  0:45.6
  2 Johnston                 71    2   11   13   17   28   31   37  17:49.3  0:52.0
  3 Dowling                  90    3    8   16   20   43   46   53  17:56.3  1:01.3
  4 Norwalk                 102   12   15   18   24   33   49   52  18:02.7  0:29.5
  5 Cedar Falls             120    5   14   19   38   44   54   55  18:05.5  1:01.7
  6 Pleasant Valley         165    9   10   34   36   76   83  115  18:16.9  1:45.2
  7 Ankeny                  166   23   29   35   39   40   42   45  18:19.4  0:21.6
  8 D M Roosevelt           220   30   32   41   57   60   65   69  18:33.3  0:40.7
  9 Valley, Wdm             241   25   50   51   56   59   71   75  18:39.2  0:43.7
 10 Ankeny Centennial       282   47   48   58   63   66   68   73  18:51.4  0:28.3
 11 Urbandale               325   21   64   70   77   93  136  138  19:11.7  2:04.2
 12 Ames                    352   61   62   72   78   79   84   94  19:15.3  0:32.3
 13 Waukee                  451   67   90   92   99  103  122       20:05.0  1:37.9
 14 Indianola               462   74   82   88  108  110  111  113  20:10.7  1:42.6
 15 Hempstead               468   80   86   96  102  104  106  117  20:12.0  1:15.2
 16 Grundy Center / Gladb   516   87   97  107  109  116  118  137  20:42.6  1:30.0
 17 Southeast Polk          524   81   85  101  128  129  130  131  20:51.5  2:41.3
 18 East Marshall           551   95  100  114  119  123  125  150  21:04.2  1:34.4
 19 Montezuma               576   89  105  124  126  132  142  145  21:28.8  2:49.5
 20 Dubuque Senior          587   91   98  112  139  147            22:26.9  6:43.3
 21 Fort Dodge              649  120  127  133  134  135  144  149  22:31.2  1:29.1
 22 D M Lincoln             691  121  140  141  143  146  148       24:17.4  4:21.5

Incomplete Teams: Bcluw, D M Hoover, Ifa-Agwsr, Marshalltown, Meskwaki Settlement


 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Waukee Northwest
    1  Josh DeJohn, 12          17:20.6  
    4  Joel Bloomer, 10         17:30.7  
    6  Zack Janulewicz, 9       17:34.2  
    7  Aidan Cooper, 10         17:34.4  
   22  Henry De Bruijn, 11      18:06.2  
   26  Charlie Petersen, 12     18:11.1  
   27  Kyle Witte, 12           18:12.9  
Total Time = 1:28:06.1     Total Places = 40

2. Johnston
    2  Jack Coen, 10            17:21.2  
   11  Joe Kerber, 12           17:41.4  
   13  Henry Strauss, 10        17:48.1  
   17  Ian Hurley, 10           18:02.2  
   28  Jack Meyer, 10           18:13.2  
   31  Garrett Ness, 9          18:16.4  
   37  Sam McAlister, 10        18:25.0  
Total Time = 1:29:06.1     Total Places = 71

3. Dowling
    3  Christopher Pierson, 12  17:30.1  
    8  Nick Klocke, 11          17:37.6  
   16  Matthew Dietrich, 11     17:58.6  
   20  Sam Leto, 12             18:03.5  
   43  Johnny Fox, 11           18:31.3  
   46  Patrick Warren, 11       18:37.2  
   53  Joe Wilwerding, 11       18:50.2  
Total Time = 1:29:41.1     Total Places = 90

4. Norwalk
   12  Ben Hanson, 11           17:47.9  
   15  Grant Wallace, 9         17:56.3  
   18  Nathan Stocker, 10       18:02.8  
   24  Ethan Franklin, 11       18:09.0  
   33  Daniel Webster, 10       18:17.4  
   49  Zach Ung, 9              18:39.0  
   52  Don Agisha, 11           18:42.3  
Total Time = 1:30:13.4     Total Places = 102

5. Cedar Falls
    5  Kyle Westhoff, 12        17:32.8  
   14  Pascal Cuhat, 11         17:51.1  
   19  Jonathan Squires, 11     18:03.2  
   38  Salem Strohbeen, 12      18:25.6  
   44  Xander Steele, 12        18:34.5  
   54  Lane Wunderlich, 11      18:50.2  
   55  Cayden Schellhorn, 11    18:50.3  
Total Time = 1:30:27.2     Total Places = 120

6. Pleasant Valley
    9  Ethan Belby, 12          17:38.5  
   10  Rocco D'Antico, 12       17:41.2  
   34  Pranav Suresh, 11        18:17.7  
   36  Benson Richards, 12      18:23.3  
   76  Michael Chang, 11        19:23.7  
   83  Asvanth Paranidharan, 11 19:35.3  
  115  Tanish Chauhan, 11       21:18.4  
Total Time = 1:31:24.4     Total Places = 165

7. Ankeny
   23  Michael Hayden, 12       18:06.2  
   29  Griffin Gade, 12         18:13.4  
   35  Alex Cox, 11             18:22.4  
   39  Sam Ducar, 11            18:26.8  
   40  Owen Fast, 11            18:27.8  
   42  Paul Erredge, 12         18:30.4  
   45  Carter Smith, 12         18:35.7  
Total Time = 1:31:36.6     Total Places = 166

8. D M Roosevelt
   30  Sam Harris, 11           18:13.8  
   32  Theo Whitehead, 12       18:16.8  
   41  Matt Bonner, 11          18:29.2  
   57  Jack McFetridge, 12      18:52.0  
   60  Hayden McCormac, 12      18:54.5  
   65  Henry Nagle, 12          19:05.2  
   69  Luke Martin, 11          19:08.0  
Total Time = 1:32:46.3     Total Places = 220

9. Valley, Wdm
   25  Salvatore Fratianni, 11  18:09.2  
   50  Paul Andersen, 12        18:40.7  
   51  Jesse Floyd, 12          18:42.1  
   56  William Thompson, 12     18:50.9  
   59  Elliot Baughman, 11      18:52.8  
   71  Jacob McLaughlin, 11     19:19.0  
   75  Luke Trannel, 12         19:22.3  
Total Time = 1:33:15.7     Total Places = 241

10. Ankeny Centennial
   47  Joel Nelson, 12          18:37.6  
   48  Gabe Hadley, 11          18:38.3  
   58  London Hershberger, 12   18:52.6  
   63  Luke Auderer, 11         19:02.5  
   66  Ethan Ver Helst, 12      19:05.9  
   68  Caden Rasmus, 12         19:07.8  
   73  Jonas Smith, 11          19:21.7  
Total Time = 1:34:16.9     Total Places = 282

11. Urbandale
   21  Andrew Donoho, 11        18:05.4  
   64  Cooper Hardersen, 11     19:03.6  
   70  Blake Staton, 12         19:14.1  
   77  Joshua Suliano, 11       19:25.9  
   93  Carter Smith, 12         20:09.5  
  136  Kael McDaniel, 11        23:05.8  
  138  Dylan Anderson, 12       23:46.3  
Total Time = 1:35:58.5     Total Places = 325

12. Ames
   61  Hayden Sinclair, 11      18:57.0  
   62  Brandon Vorst, 11        19:01.1  
   72  Will Hatcher, 12         19:20.8  
   78  Ian Nelson, 12           19:28.0  
   79  Drew Schindel, 12        19:29.3  
   84  Brett Wineinger, 12      19:42.9  
   94  Matthew Hehr, 12         20:10.1  
Total Time = 1:36:16.2     Total Places = 352

13. Waukee
   67  Saiphani Sirimalle, 11   19:07.2  
   90  Alan Trible, 12          19:58.7  
   92  Lawson Port, 12          20:00.5  
   99  Trevor Janes, 12         20:33.6  
  103  Cody Stewart, 12         20:45.0  
  122  Chris Moseley, 12        21:40.2  
Total Time = 1:40:25.0     Total Places = 451

14. Indianola
   74  Keene Barnes, 12         19:22.2  
   82  Trey Kaas, 12            19:33.5  
   88  Jakob Kjellberg, 10      19:55.2  
  108  Roger Cambron, 11        20:57.9  
  110  Kinnick Werling, 11      21:04.7  
  111  Deacon Evans, 12         21:05.9  
  113  Wyatt Guely, 10          21:07.4  
Total Time = 1:40:53.5     Total Places = 462

15. Hempstead
   80  Sam Riffel, 12           19:30.4  
   86  Sean Kelley, 11          19:46.7  
   96  Grant Misiag-Beckler, 11 20:13.8  
  102  John Glab, 12            20:43.2  
  104  Lucas Tyler, 11          20:45.6  
  106  Jacob Johnson, 11        20:46.3  
  117  Henrey Malcom, 11        21:24.9  
Total Time = 1:40:59.7     Total Places = 468

16. Grundy Center / Gladb
   87  Tylor Venenga, 10        19:52.1  
   97  Donny Pruisner, 12       20:27.1  
  107  Brandon Strohbhen, 12    20:48.4  
  109  Devin Wrider, 9          21:02.9  
  116  Christian Meester, 9     21:22.1  
  118  Ccameron Sieh, 9         21:34.2  
  137  Alex Rogers, 10          23:20.2  
Total Time = 1:43:32.6     Total Places = 516

17. Southeast Polk
   81  Nathan Zook, 12          19:32.6  
   85  Nick Martin, 11          19:43.8  
  101  Mason Hausman, 11        20:34.8  
  128  Noah Nicholson, 12       22:12.2  
  129  Ethan Keomala, 11        22:13.9  
  130  Zach Funk, 11            22:14.3  
  131  Ryan Borth, 11           22:16.1  
Total Time = 1:44:17.3     Total Places = 524

18. East Marshall
   95  Kordell Negrete, 12      20:11.6  
  100  Austin Burke, 12         20:34.4  
  114  Evan Andreson, 12        21:13.2  
  119  Joe Fuller, 9            21:35.8  
  123  Ethan Hassen, 12         21:46.0  
  125  Ryne Sinn, 12            21:56.8  
  150  David Fuller, 10         29:50.0  
Total Time = 1:45:21.0     Total Places = 551

19. Montezuma
   89  Carter McKee, 10         19:58.1  
  105  Jayden Ross, 10          20:45.6  
  124  Colton Benson, 11        21:48.9  
  126  Jack Erselius, 10        22:03.9  
  132  Bryson Stockman, 9       22:47.5  
  142  Jusiah Wetering, 9       24:28.4  
  145  Kohen Holland, 9         25:37.8  
Total Time = 1:47:24.0     Total Places = 576

20. Dubuque Senior
   91  Nate Fisher, 12          20:00.1  
   98  Noah Kurt, 12            20:30.8  
  112  Nic Graham, 11           21:07.0  
  139  Tharu Jayawickrama, 11   23:52.8  
  147  Joseph Sullivan, 12      26:43.4  
Total Time = 1:52:14.1     Total Places = 587

21. Fort Dodge
  120  Franco Juarez, 12        21:36.7  
  127  Shawn Roberts, 9         22:06.4  
  133  Alexander Hansen, 11     22:49.1  
  134  Bo Tracy, 12             22:57.6  
  135  Brayder Schmeider, 11    23:05.8  
  144  Kolby Wilson, 12         25:23.8  
  149  Vincent Pagdatoon, 12    27:40.7  
Total Time = 1:52:35.6     Total Places = 649

22. D M Lincoln
  121  Hoscar Torres, 10        21:38.5  
  140  Michael Todhunter, 9     24:22.1  
  141  Lane Probasco, 10        24:24.2  
  143  Tai Vo, 9                25:02.1  
  146  Sebastian Urias, 10      25:59.9  
  148  Ethon Downes, 9          26:54.4  
Total Time = 2:01:26.8     Total Places = 691
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Josh DeJohn, 12 17:20.6 Waukee Northwest 2 2 Jack Coen, 10 17:21.2 Johnston 3 3 Christopher Pierson, 12 17:30.1 Dowling 4 4 Joel Bloomer, 10 17:30.7 Waukee Northwest 5 5 Kyle Westhoff, 12 17:32.8 Cedar Falls 6 6 Zack Janulewicz, 9 17:34.2 Waukee Northwest 7 7 Aidan Cooper, 10 17:34.4 Waukee Northwest 8 8 Nick Klocke, 11 17:37.6 Dowling 9 9 Ethan Belby, 12 17:38.5 Pleasant Valley 10 10 Rocco D'Antico, 12 17:41.2 Pleasant Valley 11 11 Joe Kerber, 12 17:41.4 Johnston 12 12 Ben Hanson, 11 17:47.9 Norwalk 13 13 Henry Strauss, 10 17:48.1 Johnston 14 14 Pascal Cuhat, 11 17:51.1 Cedar Falls 15 15 Grant Wallace, 9 17:56.3 Norwalk 16 16 Matthew Dietrich, 11 17:58.6 Dowling 17 17 Ian Hurley, 10 18:02.2 Johnston 18 18 Nathan Stocker, 10 18:02.8 Norwalk 19 19 Jonathan Squires, 11 18:03.2 Cedar Falls 20 20 Sam Leto, 12 18:03.5 Dowling 21 21 Andrew Donoho, 11 18:05.4 Urbandale 22 22 Henry De Bruijn, 11 18:06.2 Waukee Northwest 23 23 Michael Hayden, 12 18:06.2 Ankeny 24 24 Ethan Franklin, 11 18:09.0 Norwalk 25 25 Salvatore Fratianni, 11 18:09.2 Valley, Wdm 26 26 Charlie Petersen, 12 18:11.1 Waukee Northwest 27 27 Kyle Witte, 12 18:12.9 Waukee Northwest 28 28 Jack Meyer, 10 18:13.2 Johnston 29 29 Griffin Gade, 12 18:13.4 Ankeny 30 30 Sam Harris, 11 18:13.8 D M Roosevelt 31 31 Garrett Ness, 9 18:16.4 Johnston 32 32 Theo Whitehead, 12 18:16.8 D M Roosevelt 33 33 Daniel Webster, 10 18:17.4 Norwalk 34 34 Pranav Suresh, 11 18:17.7 Pleasant Valley 35 Austin Jones, 11 18:18.9 Waukee Northwest 36 35 Alex Cox, 11 18:22.4 Ankeny 37 36 Benson Richards, 12 18:23.3 Pleasant Valley 38 37 Sam McAlister, 10 18:25.0 Johnston 39 38 Salem Strohbeen, 12 18:25.6 Cedar Falls 40 39 Sam Ducar, 11 18:26.8 Ankeny 41 40 Owen Fast, 11 18:27.8 Ankeny 42 41 Matt Bonner, 11 18:29.2 D M Roosevelt 43 42 Paul Erredge, 12 18:30.4 Ankeny 44 43 Johnny Fox, 11 18:31.3 Dowling 45 44 Xander Steele, 12 18:34.5 Cedar Falls 46 45 Carter Smith, 12 18:35.7 Ankeny 47 46 Patrick Warren, 11 18:37.2 Dowling 48 47 Joel Nelson, 12 18:37.6 Ankeny Centennial 49 48 Gabe Hadley, 11 18:38.3 Ankeny Centennial 50 49 Zach Ung, 9 18:39.0 Norwalk 51 Curren Johnson, 11 18:40.6 Johnston 52 50 Paul Andersen, 12 18:40.7 Valley, Wdm 53 51 Jesse Floyd, 12 18:42.1 Valley, Wdm 54 52 Don Agisha, 11 18:42.3 Norwalk 55 Noah Reese, 9 18:48.8 Johnston 56 53 Joe Wilwerding, 11 18:50.2 Dowling 57 54 Lane Wunderlich, 11 18:50.2 Cedar Falls 58 55 Cayden Schellhorn, 11 18:50.3 Cedar Falls 59 56 William Thompson, 12 18:50.9 Valley, Wdm 60 57 Jack McFetridge, 12 18:52.0 D M Roosevelt 61 58 London Hershberger, 12 18:52.6 Ankeny Centennial 62 Will Gessmann, 11 18:52.6 Waukee Northwest 63 59 Elliot Baughman, 11 18:52.8 Valley, Wdm 64 60 Hayden McCormac, 12 18:54.5 D M Roosevelt 65 Caden Stumbaugh, 11 18:56.0 Norwalk 66 Cameron Switzer, 12 18:56.1 Cedar Falls 67 Derek Marsh, 12 18:56.2 Johnston 68 61 Hayden Sinclair, 11 18:57.0 Ames 69 62 Brandon Vorst, 11 19:01.1 Ames 70 Austin Haworth, 11 19:01.9 Cedar Falls 71 Ethan Holter, 12 19:02.3 Johnston 72 63 Luke Auderer, 11 19:02.5 Ankeny Centennial 73 64 Cooper Hardersen, 11 19:03.6 Urbandale 74 Ben Herbst, 11 19:04.1 Johnston 75 65 Henry Nagle, 12 19:05.2 D M Roosevelt 76 66 Ethan Ver Helst, 12 19:05.9 Ankeny Centennial 77 Jonah Sterling, 12 19:07.2 Johnston 78 67 Saiphani Sirimalle, 11 19:07.2 Waukee 79 Timothy Sullivan, 11 19:07.7 Dowling 80 68 Caden Rasmus, 12 19:07.8 Ankeny Centennial 81 69 Luke Martin, 11 19:08.0 D M Roosevelt 82 Noa Jones, 11 19:12.0 Ankeny 83 Jackson Grant, 12 19:14.1 D M Roosevelt 84 70 Blake Staton, 12 19:14.1 Urbandale 85 Ayden Lyon, 12 19:15.3 Johnston 86 Xavier Uhrmacher, 12 19:17.6 Cedar Falls 87 Luka Flores, 11 19:18.1 Norwalk 88 71 Jacob McLaughlin, 11 19:19.0 Valley, Wdm 89 72 Will Hatcher, 12 19:20.8 Ames 90 73 Jonas Smith, 11 19:21.7 Ankeny Centennial 91 74 Keene Barnes, 12 19:22.2 Indianola 92 75 Luke Trannel, 12 19:22.3 Valley, Wdm 93 Calyx Hadley, 11 19:23.1 Cedar Falls 94 76 Michael Chang, 11 19:23.7 Pleasant Valley 95 Logan Becker, 12 19:24.4 Johnston 96 Tyler McCormac, 12 19:24.4 D M Roosevelt 97 Cole Nelson, 11 19:25.8 Dowling 98 77 Joshua Suliano, 11 19:25.9 Urbandale 99 William Johnson, 11 19:26.7 Valley, Wdm 100 78 Ian Nelson, 12 19:28.0 Ames 101 79 Drew Schindel, 12 19:29.3 Ames 102 80 Sam Riffel, 12 19:30.4 Hempstead 103 Caleb Allison, 11 19:30.5 Waukee Northwest 104 Tanner Merriman, 11 19:32.5 Norwalk 105 81 Nathan Zook, 12 19:32.6 Southeast Polk 106 Alex Granados, 12 19:33.1 D M Roosevelt 107 82 Trey Kaas, 12 19:33.5 Indianola 108 Graham Randell, 12 19:34.7 Ankeny Centennial 109 83 Asvanth Paranidharan, 11 19:35.3 Pleasant Valley 110 Evan Eggland, 12 19:35.9 Ankeny Centennial 111 Akshat Mehta, 11 19:35.9 Cedar Falls 112 Kyle Melcher, 11 19:36.2 Ankeny Centennial 113 Jet Bergwall, 11 19:36.2 Ankeny 114 Nathan Fageroos, 11 19:36.5 Johnston 115 Andy Tran, 12 19:37.7 Valley, Wdm 116 Braden Miller, 12 19:37.8 Ankeny Centennial 117 Braydon Zeutenhorst, 11 19:38.3 Ankeny 118 Joe Dombrosky, 12 19:39.1 Waukee Northwest 119 Aidan Klemm, 12 19:39.5 Dowling 120 Ty Rounds, 12 19:41.3 Ankeny Centennial 121 84 Brett Wineinger, 12 19:42.9 Ames 122 85 Nick Martin, 11 19:43.8 Southeast Polk 123 Cal Pennington, 12 19:46.2 D M Roosevelt 124 86 Sean Kelley, 11 19:46.7 Hempstead 125 Joel McCleary, 12 19:50.6 Ankeny Centennial 126 Josh Corrigan, 12 19:51.6 Johnston 127 87 Tylor Venenga, 10 19:52.1 Grundy Center / Gladb 128 Carter Streasick, 11 19:53.1 Valley, Wdm 129 Elliot Donovan, 11 19:53.9 D M Roosevelt 130 Grant Miller, 12 19:54.5 Norwalk 131 88 Jakob Kjellberg, 10 19:55.2 Indianola 132 89 Carter McKee, 10 19:58.1 Montezuma 133 90 Alan Trible, 12 19:58.7 Waukee 134 91 Nate Fisher, 12 20:00.1 Dubuque Senior 135 92 Lawson Port, 12 20:00.5 Waukee 136 Sam Brown, 12 20:03.3 D M Roosevelt 137 Hogan Fuessel, 11 20:03.4 Cedar Falls 138 Bennett Blakeslee, 11 20:04.5 Ankeny Centennial 139 August Cowie, 11 20:04.5 Ankeny Centennial 140 Drew Folkerts, 11 20:05.0 D M Roosevelt 141 Samuel Wandera, 11 20:05.1 D M Roosevelt 142 Charlie Ill, 12 20:08.7 D M Roosevelt 143 93 Carter Smith, 12 20:09.5 Urbandale 144 Andrew Croft, 11 20:09.8 Valley, Wdm 145 94 Matthew Hehr, 12 20:10.1 Ames 146 Max Doyle, 11 20:10.3 Ankeny 147 95 Kordell Negrete, 12 20:11.6 East Marshall 148 96 Grant Misiag-Beckler, 11 20:13.8 Hempstead 149 Tommy DeWilde, 12 20:14.7 Ankeny 150 Chase Colton, 11 20:15.4 Johnston 151 Caden Miller, 11 20:16.0 Ankeny Centennial 152 Jason Latta, 11 20:16.6 Dowling 153 Ben Hansen, 11 20:16.9 Johnston 154 Isaiah Jennings, 12 20:17.3 Cedar Falls 155 Jack Power, 11 20:17.7 Dowling 156 Grayson McAvoy, 11 20:19.9 Valley, Wdm 157 Jared Hutson, 11 20:20.6 Ames 158 Andrew McEniry, 12 20:21.8 Dowling 159 Charlie Hoffman, 12 20:21.8 Ankeny Centennial 160 Ethan Letsch, 12 20:22.4 Valley, Wdm 161 97 Donny Pruisner, 12 20:27.1 Grundy Center / Gladb 162 Will Blackmore, 12 20:29.3 Ankeny Centennial 163 98 Noah Kurt, 12 20:30.8 Dubuque Senior 164 Gabriel King, 11 20:31.7 Valley, Wdm 165 Nate Hines, 12 20:33.1 Ankeny Centennial 166 Jacob Sorenson, 12 20:33.2 Ames 167 Austin Beam, 12 20:33.5 Ankeny Centennial 168 99 Trevor Janes, 12 20:33.6 Waukee 169 100 Austin Burke, 12 20:34.4 East Marshall 170 101 Mason Hausman, 11 20:34.8 Southeast Polk 171 Cooper Chia, 11 20:35.6 D M Roosevelt 172 Matt Bendinger, 12 20:36.1 Valley, Wdm 173 Jens Lildholdt, 12 20:38.5 Cedar Falls 174 Trent Frederick, 11 20:40.6 Norwalk 175 Payton Walker, 11 20:43.0 D M Roosevelt 176 102 John Glab, 12 20:43.2 Hempstead 177 103 Cody Stewart, 12 20:45.0 Waukee 178 104 Lucas Tyler, 11 20:45.6 Hempstead 179 105 Jayden Ross, 10 20:45.6 Montezuma 180 106 Jacob Johnson, 11 20:46.3 Hempstead 181 107 Brandon Strohbhen, 12 20:48.4 Grundy Center / Gladb 182 Zach Hanson, 12 20:48.7 Ames 183 Carson Packer, 12 20:50.4 Ames 184 Will Pixley, 12 20:53.8 Valley, Wdm 185 Logan Skyles, 11 20:54.9 Dowling 186 Brandon Williams, 12 20:56.2 Ankeny 187 108 Roger Cambron, 11 20:57.9 Indianola 188 Payton Compton, 11 20:58.7 Norwalk 189 Drew Simmons, 11 20:59.9 D M Roosevelt 190 Braden Sauer, 11 21:01.0 Ankeny 191 David Hauber, 11 21:02.8 Ames 192 109 Devin Wrider, 9 21:02.9 Grundy Center / Gladb 193 110 Kinnick Werling, 11 21:04.7 Indianola 194 111 Deacon Evans, 12 21:05.9 Indianola 195 Davyin Guevera, 12 21:06.0 Meskwaki Settlement 196 112 Nic Graham, 11 21:07.0 Dubuque Senior 197 113 Wyatt Guely, 10 21:07.4 Indianola 198 Hayden Steele, 11 21:11.2 Norwalk 199 Will Copley, 12 21:11.4 Ames 200 114 Evan Andreson, 12 21:13.2 East Marshall 201 Rohan Devadas, 11 21:16.2 Johnston 202 Aidan Honkomp, 12 21:16.5 Johnston 203 115 Tanish Chauhan, 11 21:18.4 Pleasant Valley 204 Sam Strawn, 11 21:20.8 Norwalk 205 116 Christian Meester, 9 21:22.1 Grundy Center / Gladb 206 Aidan Fredericks, 11 21:24.6 Johnston 207 Connor Johnson, 11 21:24.7 Ames 208 117 Henrey Malcom, 11 21:24.9 Hempstead 209 Jack Williams, 11 21:26.7 Dowling 210 Kushi Maridu, 11 21:31.1 Pleasant Valley 211 118 Ccameron Sieh, 9 21:34.2 Grundy Center / Gladb 212 119 Joe Fuller, 9 21:35.8 East Marshall 213 120 Franco Juarez, 12 21:36.7 Fort Dodge 214 121 Hoscar Torres, 10 21:38.5 D M Lincoln 215 122 Chris Moseley, 12 21:40.2 Waukee 216 Sam Van Ryswyk, 12 21:43.1 Ames 217 James Barnes, 12 21:45.0 Dowling 218 123 Ethan Hassen, 12 21:46.0 East Marshall 219 Luke Thompson, 11 21:47.3 Ankeny Centennial 220 124 Colton Benson, 11 21:48.9 Montezuma 221 Cameron Porath, 11 21:49.5 Ankeny 222 Jake Hitchcock, 12 21:50.3 Johnston 223 Cole Spencer, 11 21:51.2 D M Roosevelt 224 Stephen Blom, 12 21:55.7 Marshalltown 225 125 Ryne Sinn, 12 21:56.8 East Marshall 226 Anyaar Mayom, 11 21:57.0 Johnston 227 Nate Strawn, 11 21:58.7 Dowling 228 Aaron Seberger, 12 22:00.6 Marshalltown 229 Farak Haider, 12 22:03.0 Waukee Northwest 230 126 Jack Erselius, 10 22:03.9 Montezuma 231 127 Shawn Roberts, 9 22:06.4 Fort Dodge 232 Jose Lopez, 12 22:07.7 Ankeny 233 128 Noah Nicholson, 12 22:12.2 Southeast Polk 234 129 Ethan Keomala, 11 22:13.9 Southeast Polk 235 130 Zach Funk, 11 22:14.3 Southeast Polk 236 Aiden Boies, 9 22:15.0 Indianola 237 131 Ryan Borth, 11 22:16.1 Southeast Polk 238 Brevin Kinard, 11 22:19.3 Cedar Falls 239 Hunter Miller, 9 22:20.6 Ifa-Agwsr 240 Tate Meinhard, 12 22:23.3 Ames 241 Matthew Eubank, 11 22:25.3 Dowling 242 Eric Wennes, 11 22:29.8 Ifa-Agwsr 243 Cody Rowe, 10 22:31.7 Indianola 244 Carson Anton, 11 22:33.6 Cedar Falls 245 Seb Cooper, 10 22:36.4 Indianola 246 Josiah Howland, 11 22:37.9 Norwalk 247 James Clark, 12 22:38.7 Johnston 248 Cooper Fort, 12 22:39.5 Cedar Falls 249 Jude Gaster, 11 22:41.7 D M Roosevelt 250 Ian O'Hearn, 12 22:43.5 Valley, Wdm 251 Tyson Pohlman, 11 22:44.3 Ifa-Agwsr 252 Jeffrey Sieverding, 12 22:45.0 Bcluw 253 Nate Sturtz, 11 22:45.9 Indianola 254 132 Bryson Stockman, 9 22:47.5 Montezuma 255 133 Alexander Hansen, 11 22:49.1 Fort Dodge 256 Grant Tack, 11 22:50.6 Johnston 257 Sam Jones, 12 22:52.1 Pleasant Valley 258 Nick Kavlock, 11 22:52.9 Dowling 259 134 Bo Tracy, 12 22:57.6 Fort Dodge 260 Korbin Keomala, 11 22:59.2 Southeast Polk 261 135 Brayder Schmeider, 11 23:05.8 Fort Dodge 262 136 Kael McDaniel, 11 23:05.8 Urbandale 263 Wade Shipley, 11 23:07.9 Ankeny 264 Brandon Ness, 12 23:09.1 Johnston 265 Joseph Martin, 11 23:09.7 Southeast Polk 266 Nick Pulliam, 11 23:09.8 Dowling 267 Braden Gierstorf, 11 23:09.9 Johnston 268 John Lawler, 11 23:10.4 Dowling 269 Connor Doyle, 11 23:12.3 Cedar Falls 270 Owen Miller, 12 23:13.2 Marshalltown 271 Jacob DeLange, 11 23:14.9 D M Roosevelt 272 Braelon Decker, 10 23:15.2 Indianola 273 Evan Miglin, 11 23:15.5 D M Roosevelt 274 Phillip Na, 12 23:17.1 Ankeny 275 137 Alex Rogers, 10 23:20.2 Grundy Center / Gladb 276 Gage Boersma, 10 23:35.3 Indianola 277 Joe Baumhover, 12 23:37.4 Dowling 278 Bram Van De Mortel, 11 23:38.8 Ankeny 279 Jonathan Kramer, 11 23:40.1 Johnston 280 Kaden Kaufman, 9 23:43.6 Grundy Center / Gladb 281 Eli Newland, 12 23:43.9 Norwalk 282 138 Dylan Anderson, 12 23:46.3 Urbandale 283 Harrison Neipert, 11 23:47.0 D M Roosevelt 284 139 Tharu Jayawickrama, 11 23:52.8 Dubuque Senior 285 Carson Wirtz, 11 23:54.9 Cedar Falls 286 Avery Carlson, 12 24:04.6 Ankeny Centennial 287 Dylan Oltman, 12 24:07.3 Grundy Center / Gladb 288 Jackson Brinker, 12 24:13.0 Johnston 289 Nicholas Goodman, 11 24:14.9 Ames 290 140 Michael Todhunter, 9 24:22.1 D M Lincoln 291 Carson Enfield, 11 24:23.4 Ames 292 141 Lane Probasco, 10 24:24.2 D M Lincoln 293 Gavin Johansen, 11 24:24.6 D M Roosevelt 294 Mason Engle, 12 24:26.3 Bcluw 295 Adam Ehler, 12 24:28.3 Johnston 296 142 Jusiah Wetering, 9 24:28.4 Montezuma 297 Leo Braun, 12 24:30.0 Marshalltown 298 Ian Gaunt, 12 24:31.4 Valley, Wdm 299 Colin Yuska, 12 24:42.1 Johnston 300 Aidan Kenaga, 11 24:43.2 Cedar Falls 301 Keelan VanHeiden, 10 24:44.7 Grundy Center / Gladb 302 Jefferson Roberts, 12 24:46.0 Cedar Falls 303 Alex Flores-Alonzo, 11 24:57.2 D M Roosevelt 304 Paul Murty, 11 24:58.3 Bcluw 305 143 Tai Vo, 9 25:02.1 D M Lincoln 306 Simon Janelle, 12 25:03.1 Ankeny Centennial 307 144 Kolby Wilson, 12 25:23.8 Fort Dodge 308 Alex Read, 12 25:28.8 Ames 309 145 Kohen Holland, 9 25:37.8 Montezuma 310 Charles Duerkes, 12 25:44.0 Ames 311 146 Sebastian Urias, 10 25:59.9 D M Lincoln 312 Ben Tokheim, 11 26:09.7 Johnston 313 Jonathan Stanley, 11 26:29.2 Johnston 314 Emmanuel Castillo, 11 26:36.9 D M Hoover 315 147 Joseph Sullivan, 12 26:43.4 Dubuque Senior 316 148 Ethon Downes, 9 26:54.4 D M Lincoln 317 Ryan Gaines, 11 27:10.3 Cedar Falls 318 Wesley Latchman, 11 27:10.7 Grundy Center / Gladb 319 Caleb Knutsen, 9 27:12.2 Grundy Center / Gladb 320 John Symeonidis, 12 27:20.7 D M Roosevelt 321 149 Vincent Pagdatoon, 12 27:40.7 Fort Dodge 322 Logan Oswald, 9 27:54.4 Indianola 323 Luke Nelson, 12 28:04.0 Valley, Wdm 324 Zachary Clark, 11 28:26.8 Ankeny Centennial 325 Ryan Riesberg, 11 28:36.9 Dowling 326 Lucas Hurley, 11 29:00.2 Grundy Center / Gladb 327 150 David Fuller, 10 29:50.0 East Marshall 328 Ryan Vandenover, 12 31:09.0 Johnston 329 Gabriel Sehmann, 11 34:38.9 Ames

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