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2018 Nebraska State Fair Marathon - 1 Mile Overall--Text Results

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 25, 2018
                             Grand Island, NE
                            Official 1M Results
Place Div/Tot  No.   Name                   Age Sex City             St  Gun Tim Net Tim      
===== ======== ===== ====================== === === ================ === ======= =======   
    1   1/11     320 Perry Helgoth            6   M Aurora           NE     8:21    8:22 | 
    2   1/5      343 Caden Sheffield         11   M Grand Island     NE     8:35    8:35 | 
    3   2/11     344 Chase Sheffield          8   M Grand Island     NE     9:08    9:08 | 
    4   1/8      299 Yasmin Juma              9   F Grand Island     NE     9:08    9:09 | 
    5   2/5      304 Khale Daniel            10   M Grand Island     NE     9:17    9:16 | 
    6   3/5      314 Nathan Fletcher         11   M Grand Island     NE     9:17    9:18 | 
    7   2/8      313 Lexi Fletcher            9   F Grand Island     NE     9:50    9:50 | 
    8   1/13     339 Kaylee Powell           13   F Doniphan         NE    10:28   10:28 | 
    9   3/11     324 Kanin Klentz             9   M Beresford        SD    10:35   10:35 | 
   10   4/11     332 Riley Morgan             9   M Grand Island     NE    10:37   10:36 | 
   11   2/13     340 Anyia Roberts           11   F Grand Island     NE    10:57   10:58 | 
   12   5/11     328 Brigham Loeffler         8   M Grand Island     NE    10:58   10:58 | 
   13   3/13     306 Laiken Dorsey           11   F Grand Island     NE    11:06   11:02 | 
   14   4/13     341 Ashtyn Roberts          11   F Grand Island     NE    11:06   11:07 | 
   15   6/11     325 Derek Kotas              6   M Aurora           NE    11:06   11:07 | 
   16   5/13     342 Hailey Schochenmaier    12   F Grand Island     NE    11:09   11:07 | 
   17   6/13     297 Paislee Welty           10   F Grand Island     NE    11:15   11:11 | 
   18   7/13     308 Lily Elsbury            10   F Doniphan         NE    11:19   11:20 | 
   19   8/13     318 Marissa Gonzalez        10   F Grand Island     NE    11:23   11:24 | 
   20   1/3      336 Camden Nieto             5   M Lexington        NE    12:00   12:01 | 
   21   9/13     322 Katie Johnsen           10   F Grand Island     NE    12:06   12:05 | 
   22   3/8      338 Brianna Powell           6   F Doniphan         NE    12:25   12:24 | 
   23   4/5      311 Brock Fletcher          12   M Kenesaw          NE    12:32   12:33 | 
   24   7/11     302 Blake Berglund           8   M Grand Island     NE    12:36   12:35 | 
   25   4/8      319 Hadley Helgoth           8   F Aurora           NE    12:53   12:54 | 
   26   8/11     331 Everett Miller           9   M Wood River       NE    13:02   12:59 | 
   27   1/4      330 Anna Miller             33   F Wood River       NE    13:03   12:59 | 
   28  10/13     317 Aryana Gonzalez         11   F Grand Island     NE    13:16   13:15 | 
   29   5/5      312 Drake Fletcher          10   M Kenesaw          NE    13:18   13:19 | 
   30   1/2      315 Isabella Garcia          5   F Independence     MO    13:28   13:26 | 
   31   9/11     316 Tiago Garcia             7   M Independence     MO    13:46   13:44 | 
   32   5/8      323 Lauren Johnsen           7   F Grand Island     NE    14:09   14:07 | 
   33   2/2      327 Kiera Lindiman           5   F Grand Island     NE    14:27   14:26 | 
   34   2/3      305 Asher Dodge              4   M North Platte     NE    16:12   16:08 | 
   35  10/11     298 Bode Koepke              7   M Hickman          NE    16:23   16:20 | 
   36   6/8      326 Skya Kotas               9   F Aurora           NE    17:56   17:55 | 
   37  11/13     333 Addisen Nelson          11   F Urbandale        IA    18:02   18:00 | 
   38  12/13     303 Paige Berglund          10   F Grand Island     NE    18:02   18:00 | 
   39   1/1      350 Shaun Willey            37   M Grand Island     NE    18:34   18:30 | 
   40   3/3      348 Aceson Willey            3   M Grand Island     NE    18:34   18:31 | 
   41   2/4      349 Amy Willey              35   F Grand Island     NE    18:35   18:31 | 
   42  13/13     300 Chloe Keasling          10   F Grand Island     NE    23:18   23:18 | 
   43   7/8      307 Avery Dunagan            8   F Doniphan         NE    23:52   23:52 | 
   44   8/8      301 Ellie Keasling           7   F Grand Island     NE    23:52   23:52 | 
   45   3/4      335 Susan Niemoth           62   F Grand Island     NE    24:00   24:01 | 
   46  11/11     347 Dylan Walters            8   M Grand Island     NE    28:43   28:40 | 
   47   4/4      329 Nadine Meyer            60   F Grand Island     NE    29:05   29:02 | 

results by Precision Race Results