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2018 Nebraska State Fair Marathon - 5K Overall--Text Results

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 25, 2018
                             Grand Island, NE
                            Official 5K Results
Place Div/Tot  No.   Name                   Age Sex City             St  Gun Tim Net Tim      
===== ======== ===== ====================== === === ================ === ======= =======   
    1   1/8     2021 Ryan Broshar            40   M Elkhorn          NE    18:45   18:45 | 
    2   1/3     2046 Thomas Dwyer            33   M Omaha            NE    18:58   18:58 | 
    3   2/3     2113 Matt Loeffler           32   M Columbus         NE    19:15   19:07 | 
    4   1/24    2125 Tyler Means             15   M Lincoln          NE    19:55   19:54 | 
    5   1/25    2029 Kylie Cheetsos          39   F Grand Island     NE    20:00   19:59 | 
    6   2/24    2227 Rowan Jarosik           11   M Edgar            NE    20:02   20:02 | 
    7   1/8     2086 Kim Kaliff              57   M York             NE    20:14   20:10 | 
    8   1/19    2034 Emalie Clement          29   F Omaha            NE    20:33   20:29 | 
    9   1/10    2068 Calvin Hassel           54   M Grand Island     NE    20:44   20:43 | 
   10   3/24    2184 Eli Studley             12   M Grand Island     NE    21:09   21:03 | 
   11   4/24    2229 Ben Sutherland          13   M Grand Island     NE    21:21   21:21 | 
   12   2/25    2217 Sara Williamson         36   F Harvard          NE    21:32   21:26 | 
   13   1/7     2234 Jonathan Wilson         38   M Grand Island     NE    21:47   21:42 | 
   14   2/8     2082 Randall Jarzynka        59   M Cairo            NE    21:55   21:53 | 
   15   5/24    2077 Cole Jacobsen           16   M Wisner           NE    22:14   22:08 | 
   16   2/10    2235 Joel McDowell           50   M Lennox           SD    22:18   22:16 | 
   17   6/24    2233 Hayden Krohn            13   M Kearney          NE    22:30   22:22 | 
   18   7/24    2214 Ashon Willey            12   M Grand Island     NE    22:25   22:26 | 
   19   1/17    2153 Evelyn Poland           12   F Saint Libory     NE    22:32   22:28 | 
   20   8/24    2133 William Moninger        12   M Arnold           NE    22:30   22:30 | 
   21   2/19    2003 Griselda Aguilera       26   F Grand Island     NE    22:41   22:40 | 
   22   1/16    2084 Megan Johnson           31   F Grand Island     NE    22:56   22:43 | 
   23   2/17    2186 Leah Studley            14   F Grand Island     NE    22:52   22:47 | 
   24   2/8     2011 Scott Befort            43   M Deshler          NE    23:04   22:59 | 
   25   9/24    2185 Joel Studley            10   M Grand Island     NE    23:17   23:12 | 
   26   1/4     2197 Josh Thompson           19   M Overton          NE    23:17   23:14 | 
   27   3/17    2042 Neelie Dorsey           13   F Grand Island     NE    23:22   23:18 | 
   28   3/19    2023 Cortney Bullington      28   F Kearney          NE    24:23   24:14 | 
   29   4/17    2218 Brooke Wilson           17   F Giltner          NE    24:23   24:19 | 
   30   5/17    2102 Gracie Kreutz           10   F Giltner          NE    24:23   24:19 | 
   31   1/10    2163 Elisa Rodriguez         43   F Alda             NE    24:26   24:24 | 
   32   1/21    1283 Linda Larsen            54   F Beatrice         NE    24:39   24:36 | 
   33   3/25    2175 Andrea Simpson          35   F Grand Island     NE    24:48   24:38 | 
   34   2/10    2154 Winnie Poland           40   F Saint Libory     NE    24:56   24:38 | 
   35  10/24    2131 Kaleb Minton            14   M Grand Island     NE    24:51   24:42 | 
   36   1/7     2210 Megan Wardyn            20   F Grand Island     NE    25:02   24:52 | 
   37   2/16    2225 Kristy Hirschman        32   F Grand Island     NE    25:12   25:07 | 
   38   3/8     2211 Michael Wardyn          56   M Grand Island     NE    25:19   25:09 | 
   39   3/8     2208 Mark Walters            43   M Grand Island     NE    25:46   25:28 | 
   40   4/25    2236 Keely Backemeyer        36   F Kearney          NE    25:38   25:29 | 
   41   2/4     2035 Joey Cribbin            23   M Roeland Park     KS    25:40   25:35 | 
   42   2/21    2065 Kim Grams               51   F Campbell         NE    25:37   25:35 | 
   43   1/9     2095 Deb Kluthe              60   F Scotia           NE    25:46   25:41 | 
   44   3/16    2130 Nicole Miller           31   F Hastings         NE    25:48   25:46 | 
   45   1/8     2071 Suzanne Hayes           55   F Minden           NE    25:53   25:48 | 
   46   4/19    2169 Steph Sander            25   F Grand Island     NE    26:16   25:50 | 
   47   5/25    2146 Amy Oliver              39   F Grand Island     NE    26:18   25:51 | 
   48   6/25    2205 Joanna Usher            39   F Grand Island     NE    26:16   25:52 | 
   49   3/10    2048 Kelly Ems-Wood          43   F Lincoln          NE    26:02   26:00 | 
   50   7/25    2103 Mandy Lauck             36   F Columbus         NE    26:12   26:03 | 
   51   2/7     2216 John Williamson         39   M Harvard          NE    26:50   26:08 | 
   52   3/3     2054 Chad Fickes             34   M Roca             NE    26:38   26:18 | 
   53  11/24    2001 Gadiel Aguilar          16   M Grand Island     NE    26:31   26:26 | 
   54   4/16    2179 Bobbi Sorensen          34   F Kearney          NE    26:41   26:26 | 
   55  12/24    2230 Joe Sutherland          10   M Grand Island     NE    26:28   26:29 | 
   56   5/19    2191 Ashley Tejral           29   F Phillips         NE    26:41   26:30 | 
   57   4/8     2183 Blake Studley           40   M Grand Island     NE    26:40   26:34 | 
   58   1/5     2096 John Kluthe             63   M Scotia           NE    26:43   26:38 | 
   59   2/7     2117 Jordyn Lukasiewicz      23   F Farwell          NE    26:54   26:45 | 
   60   5/16    2201 Libby Tucker            33   F Hampton          NE    27:18   26:49 | 
   61   4/8     2181 David Steinkruger       56   M Plattsmouth      NE    26:59   26:52 | 
   62   2/8     1165 Marcia Grant            57   F Columbus         NE    27:04   27:01 | 
   63  13/24    2174 Rylan Shay               9   M Saint Libory     NE    27:20   27:01 | 
   64   6/17    2161 Liah Riesland           11   F Grand Island     NE    27:12   27:12 | 
   65  14/24    2155 Luke Powell              9   M Doniphan         NE    27:13   27:13 | 
   66   3/8     2166 Marcelline Ross         58   F Grand Island     NE    27:21   27:18 | 
   67   8/25    2090 Danielle Kersten        36   F Grand Island     NE    27:41   27:28 | 
   68  15/24    2195 David Thompson          16   M Overton          NE    28:02   27:28 | 
   69   7/17    2092 Kaelin Key               8   F Kearney          NE    27:43   27:32 | 
   70   2/9     2200 Laura Tucker            60   F Aurora           NE    28:10   27:41 | 
   71   2/5     2168 Ruben Samchez           63   M Grand Island     NE    28:05   27:42 | 
   72   1/2     2132 Vaughn Minton           66   M Grand Island     NE    27:57   27:48 | 
   73   6/16    2128 Vanessa Meloche         33   F Lincoln          NE    28:14   27:48 | 
   74   1/4     2105 Brian Lee               49   M Columbus         NE    28:01   27:50 | 
   75   9/25    2120 Deborah McEndarfer      36   F Aurora           NE    28:09   27:52 | 
   76   7/16    2064 Timaree Goertzen        32   F Aurora           NE    28:22   27:54 | 
   77  10/25    2044 Erin Dunagan            35   F Doniphan         NE    28:22   27:54 | 
   78  11/25    2087 Katie Keasling          35   F Grand Island     NE    28:22   27:55 | 
   79   8/16    2118 Lindsay Mader           34   F Grand Island     NE    28:23   27:57 | 
   80  12/25    2099 Kacey Koch              35   F Grand Island     NE    28:23   27:58 | 
   81   9/16    2220 Megan Zoucha            33   F Fullerton        NE    28:16   28:02 | 
   82   3/7     2189 Ashley Tagart           24   F Grand Island     NE    28:18   28:05 | 
   83   3/21    2107 Kari Leep               53   F Grand Island     NE    28:20   28:06 | 
   84   3/10    2106 Jeff Leep               52   M Grand Island     NE    28:20   28:06 | 
   85   4/21    2052 Irene Falldorf          54   F Grand Island     NE    28:15   28:08 | 
   86  13/25    2028 Tammy Cassell           38   F Grand Island     NE    28:28   28:10 | 
   87   3/7     1220 Pedro Ioza              38   M Bellevue         NE    28:27   28:10 | 
   88   4/10    2053 Robert Falldorf         54   M Grand Island     NE    28:27   28:20 | 
   89   1/11    2202 Shandra Uden            45   F Kenesaw          NE    28:26   28:21 | 
   90  14/25    2192 Maria Thames            38   F Grand Island     NE    28:24   28:23 | 
   91   8/17    2114 Payton Loeffler         10   F Grand Island     NE    28:45   28:28 | 
   92  10/16    2176 Kylie Sinsel            33   F Grand Island     NE    28:50   28:40 | 
   93   4/7     2112 Jeff Loeffler           38   M Grand Island     NE    28:58   28:41 | 
   94   5/21    2025 Leisha Burnett          51   F Joplin           MO    29:05   28:49 | 
   95  15/25    2024 Kylie Burley            37   F Omaha            NE    29:24   28:54 | 
   96   3/9     2059 Christine Fogland       63   F Grand Island     NE    29:24   28:54 | 
   97   6/19    2016 Shelby Boschult         27   F Walthill         NE    29:02   29:00 | 
   98   5/10    2199 Cory Townsend           51   M Grand Island     NE    29:33   29:04 | 
   99  16/25    2232 Julie Vavricek          35   F Grand Island     NE    29:28   29:07 | 
  100   4/10    2180 Corinne Steele          40   F Crete            NE    29:30   29:07 | 
  101   5/7     2231 Joe Vavricek            36   M Grand Island     NE    29:28   29:07 | 
  102   5/8     2055 Kevin Fickes            42   M Grand Island     NE    29:30   29:10 | 
  103   7/19    2004 Katie Almquist          27   F Hastings         NE    29:41   29:12 | 
  104   4/9     1441 Betty Smith             64   F Wood River       NE    29:22   29:15 | 
  105   3/5     2022 Steve Buhrman           60   M Saint Libory     NE    29:38   29:23 | 
  106   6/21    2193 Lisa Thayer             54   F Grand Island     NE    29:53   29:24 | 
  107  16/24    2041 Kellen Dorsey            8   M Grand Island     NE    29:37   29:33 | 
  108  17/24    2226 Keegan Inks              9   M Grand Island     NE    29:39   29:36 | 
  109   1/2     2080 Marcia Jarosik          66   F Crete            NE    30:01   29:39 | 
  110   6/7     2156 Travis Powell           39   M Doniphan         NE    29:56   29:49 | 
  111   5/10    2134 Lisa Morledge           40   F Grand Island     NE    30:02   29:50 | 
  112   4/7     2213 Sarah Wichmann          22   F Saint Paul       NE    30:07   29:57 | 
  113  18/24    2091 Hunter Key              10   M Kearney          NE    30:31   30:21 | 
  114  11/16    2165 Stacy Rosenberg         31   F Frederick        MD    31:14   30:56 | 
  115   9/17    2149 Olivia Ostdiek          16   F Grand Island     NE    31:07   31:04 | 
  116   6/8     2047 Brian Eble              43   M Chicago          IL    31:17   31:05 | 
  117  12/16    2043 Bevin Drew              32   F Hazard           NE    31:44   31:12 | 
  118   1/2     2238 Nicholas Jerabek        25   M Farwell          NE    31:53   31:13 | 
  119   8/19    2147 Tess Orrino             26   F Saint Libory     NE    31:54   31:14 | 
  120   2/11    2063 Michelle Goertzen       45   F Hampton          NE    31:53   31:23 | 
  121   9/19    2049 Mary Evans              26   F Grand Island     NE    31:56   31:24 | 
  122   2/2     2060 James Frickey           29   M Grand Island     NE    31:56   31:24 | 
  123   3/11    2078 Tracy Jacobsen          49   F Wisner           NE    31:52   31:30 | 
  124   1/1     2172 Gerald Schaben          75   M Seward           NE    32:07   31:42 | 
  125  17/25    2164 Jessica Rojewski        35   F Hampton          NE    32:12   31:42 | 
  126   6/10    2067 Jim Hammond             53   M Grand Island     NE    32:02   31:51 | 
  127  10/19    2121 Katrine McMath          27   F Bellevue         NE    32:59   32:21 | 
  128  18/25    2157 Megan Rathje            38   F Ayr              NE    32:51   32:22 | 
  129  19/25    2209 Mindy Walters           38   F Grand Island     NE    32:26   32:23 | 
  130   7/8     2027 Jeff Burwell            42   M Grand Island     NE    32:26   32:24 | 
  131  19/24    2074 Trevor Hohlen           11   M Grand Island     NE    32:24   32:24 | 
  132  13/16    2073 Amber Hoback            31   F Grand Island     NE    32:41   32:25 | 
  133   7/21    2212 Lynne Werner            54   F Grand Island     NE    33:04   32:35 | 
  134  11/19    2116 Jessica Lothrop         28   F Grand Island     NE    33:01   32:36 | 
  135   4/11    1131 Tammy Ferrian           48   F Elk River        MN    32:55   32:38 | 
  136   7/7     2020 Tim Brayton             35   M Lexington        NE    33:12   32:43 | 
  137   4/8     2221 Peggy Zurek             57   F Omaha            NE    33:19   33:07 | 
  138  20/24    2002 Isaac Aguilar            8   M Grand Island     NE    33:11   33:11 | 
  139   6/10    2081 Tracy Jarosik           42   F Edgar            NE    33:54   33:32 | 
  140  10/17    2111 Skyler Liess             7   F Grand Island     NE    33:55   33:37 | 
  141  14/16    2110 Chelsey Liess           33   F Grand Island     NE    33:55   33:37 | 
  142   8/21    2190 Gina Tallarico          52   F Cottage Grove    MN    34:00   33:48 | 
  143   5/8     1472 Edward Tofil            57   M Westfield        NY    34:28   33:59 | 
  144  12/19    2089 Laura Kemp              29   F Gillette         WY    34:27   34:06 | 
  145  13/19    2088 Alisa Keiser            26   F Gillette         WY    34:26   34:06 | 
  146  20/25    2066 Susan Hageman           39   F Grand Island     NE    34:37   34:09 | 
  147  14/19    2150 Katelin Peters          28   F Grand Island     NE    34:37   34:11 | 
  148  21/24    2009 Gunner Baumann          11   M Hickman          NE    34:35   34:19 | 
  149   9/21    2196 Jan Thompson            50   F Overton          NE    34:54   34:20 | 
  150   2/4     2038 Darrell Detlefsen       47   M Grand Island     NE    35:16   34:35 | 
  151   7/10    2039 Lisa Detlefsen          42   F Grand Island     NE    35:16   34:36 | 
  152   5/11    2177 Jennifer Sisson         46   F Grand Island     NE    34:44   34:37 | 
  153   1/1     2188 Jack Sullivan           72   M Lincoln          NE    35:17   34:53 | 
  154  15/19    1141 Kimberly Fonseca        27   F Harvard          NE    35:21   35:18 | 
  155   3/4     2173 Mike Schuster           45   M Grand Island     NE    35:40   35:26 | 
  156  10/21    2194 Sally Thomas            51   F Grand Island     NE    35:51   35:29 | 
  157  21/25    2178 Kayann Skibinski        36   F Loup City        NE    36:29   35:55 | 
  158  16/19    2031 Katie Christensen       28   F Grand Island     NE    36:23   36:08 | 
  159   6/11    2072 Beca Hiatt              46   F Grand Island     NE    36:44   36:19 | 
  160   7/10    2101 Raymond Krance          53   M Grand Island     NE    36:26   36:19 | 
  161  11/21    2076 Kelley Huxtable         53   F Augusta          KS    36:46   36:32 | 
  162   5/9     2119 Sally McCann            61   F Kearney          NE    36:55   36:51 | 
  163   8/10    2093 Kyle Key                51   M Kearney          NE    37:12   36:58 | 
  164  22/25    2014 Angela Blank            37   F Kearney          NE    37:51   37:20 | 
  165   6/8     2167 John Rust               58   M Hastings         NE    37:47   37:30 | 
  166  17/19    2228 Eryn Richardso          27   F Grand Island     NE    38:41   38:02 | 
  167  11/17    2223 Emily Engelhardt        15   F Grand Island     NE    38:41   38:02 | 
  168   5/8     2075 Janelle Holmes          55   F Grand Island     NE    38:33   38:25 | 
  169   9/10    1211 Randy Holmes            53   M Grand Island     NE    38:33   38:26 | 
  170  10/10    2057 Charlie Fink            50   M Eden Prairie     MN    38:54   38:33 | 
  171  12/21    2033 Robin Clay              53   F Grand Island     NE    39:21   38:40 | 
  172  13/21    2129 Jolene Miller           51   F Frederick        MD    39:26   39:07 | 
  173  22/24    2144 Chase Newlun             9   M Littleton        CO    39:19   39:08 | 
  174   4/5     2015 Frederick Booher        63   M Farmingdale      NY    40:49   40:41 | 
  175   8/10    2215 Staci Williams          43   F Lincoln          NE    41:20   40:48 | 
  176  12/17    2145 Joslyn Oglesby          14   F Lincoln          NE    41:49   41:22 | 
  177   2/2     2100 Paul Korslund           68   M Lincoln          NE    41:49   41:22 | 
  178   7/11    2010 Lisa Beaudette          47   F Walthill         NE    42:00   41:54 | 
  179  14/21    1001 Michelle Ackerman       54   F Farmingdale      NY    42:19   42:03 | 
  180  23/24    2206 Caleb Walters           10   M Grand Island     NE    42:21   42:04 | 
  181   6/9     2237 Shannon Sperry          63   F Key West         FL    42:49   42:27 | 
  182  23/25    2207 Jamie Walters           37   F Grand Island     NE    43:00   42:43 | 
  183  15/21    2083 Jennifer Johnson        54   F Grand Island     NE    43:28   43:09 | 
  184   3/4     2126 Ethan Meharg            23   M Alda             NE    43:16   43:14 | 
  185   5/7     2127 Kelsey Meharg           22   F Alda             NE    43:17   43:14 | 
  186  16/21    2224 Amy Ernst               54   F Grand Island     NE    43:25   43:16 | 
  187   5/5     1113 Bill Earnest            62   M Grand Island     NE    44:03   43:36 | 
  188  15/16    2013 Laura Berkebile         32   F Smithville       MO    44:10   43:51 | 
  189   4/4     2008 Leopoldo Barrientos     24   M Grand Island     NE    44:25   43:55 | 
  190   4/4     2142 Rick Murch-Shafer       49   M Blair            NE    45:01   44:39 | 
  191   6/8     2135 Jennifer Morris         58   F Wichita          KS    44:54   44:45 | 
  192   7/9     2187 Anna Sullivan           64   F Lincoln          NE    46:38   46:17 | 
  193   6/7     2079 Brianna Janzen          23   F Lincoln          NE    46:42   46:31 | 
  194   7/7     2094 Brittany Kirkwood       23   F Grand Island     NE    46:45   46:33 | 
  195   8/9     2203 Mary Unrein             62   F Grand Island     NE    47:05   46:56 | 
  196   7/8     2148 Jan Ortega              59   F Grand Island     NE    47:06   46:57 | 
  197   8/11    2222 Ann Blunt               49   F Hastings         NE    48:42   48:15 | 
  198  13/17    2070 Avery Hawke             10   F Grand Island     NE    49:15   48:49 | 
  199   9/11    2051 Lynette Exum            46   F Lincoln          NE    50:00   49:30 | 
  200   9/10    2012 Doreen Berglund         40   F Grand Island     NE    49:59   49:35 | 
  201  17/21    2032 Laura Clark             50   F Loup City        NE    50:14   49:35 | 
  202  14/17    2115 Danneeka Lorimer        18   F Loup City        NE    50:14   49:35 | 
  203  24/25    2143 Becky Nelson            36   F Urbandale        IA    49:59   49:35 | 
  204   2/2     2007 Barbara Baca            67   F Wilsonville      NE    50:46   50:09 | 
  205  18/19    2036 Chareese Daffer         29   F Bartley          NE    50:47   50:09 | 
  206  18/21    2037 Shelly Daffer           52   F Danbury          NE    50:47   50:09 | 
  207   8/8     2136 Dan Morse               40   M Grand Island     NE    50:29   50:15 | 
  208  15/17    2138 Morgan Morse            18   F Grand Island     NE    50:29   50:17 | 
  209   8/8     2019 Mary Bowman             57   F Kearney          NE    51:42   50:18 | 
  210  16/16    2104 Ashley Lawton           30   F Aurora           NE    50:52   50:35 | 
  211   7/8     2018 Mark Bowman             57   M Kearney          NE    52:24   50:56 | 
  212  24/24    2056 Alex Fink               10   M Eden Prairie     MN    51:28   51:07 | 
  213  19/21    2058 Kristin Fink            51   F Eden Prairie     MN    51:26   51:07 | 
  214  19/19    2097 Megan Knutson           28   F Omaha            NE    53:10   51:40 | 
  215  16/17    2030 Teagan Cheetsos         13   F Grand Island     NE    52:35   52:02 | 
  216   9/9     2085 Julie Jones             64   F Cheyenne         WY    52:15   52:11 | 
  217  10/10    2069 Heidi Hastings          40   F Gretna           NE    52:55   52:22 | 
  218  10/11    2198 Becky Townsend          45   F Omaha            NE    52:57   52:32 | 
  219   8/8     2151 Brian Pielstick         55   M Grand Island     NE    55:15   54:41 | 
  220  20/21    2152 Gwen Pielstick          50   F Grand Island     NE    55:18   54:44 | 
  221  17/17    2140 Jenna Murch-Shafer      14   F Blair            NE    56:07   55:46 | 
  222  21/21    2141 Karen Murch-Shafer      50   F Blair            NE    56:08   55:47 | 
  223  11/11    2219 Pamela Zamarripa        47   F Grand Island     NE    58:08   57:52 | 
  224  25/25    2137 Kassie Morse            38   F Grand Island     NE    58:07   57:54 | 

results by Precision Race Results