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2014 Run Crazy Horse ◊13.1◊26.2 - Marathon Relay Results

                  Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2014                     
                     Official Overall Results - Relay
Place Tea No.   Team                                    Category   Gun     Net     
===== === ===== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= 
    1   1   328 Team One Spirit Lakota 5                Male       3:12:04 3:12:00 
    2   2   335 Scheels                                 Male       3:15:36 3:15:31 
    3   3   306 Carry Me A Cross                        Male       3:30:07 3:29:38 
    4   1   318 Reeves Family                           Co-Ed      3:33:06 3:32:40 
    5   4   313 Lakota Striders                         Male       3:34:19 3:34:07 
    6   5   334 Wolfpack                                Male       3:37:36 3:37:28 
    7   1   314 Mothers, Jugs, & Speed                  Female     3:39:04 3:38:45 
    8   2   310 Gunderson Palmer law firm               Co-Ed      3:39:09 3:38:57 
    9   2   321 Run Like A Mother                       Female     3:39:42 3:39:27 
   10   6   329 Team One Spirit Oyate                   Male       3:42:58 3:42:32 
   11   3   331 Team Tortoise                           Co-Ed      3:43:52 3:43:23 
   12   4   305 C3MZ                                    Co-Ed      3:46:10 3:45:43 
   13   5   326 Team Happy Feet                         Co-Ed      3:47:53 3:47:48 
   14   3   333 The pink ladies                         Female     3:51:20 3:51:11 
   15   6   301 3 Chicks and 2 Dicks                    Co-Ed      3:51:22 3:51:13 
   16   4   316 NEBRASKA CHICKSWITHKICKS                Female     3:52:12 3:51:40 
   17   7   309 FoCo Locos                              Co-Ed      3:59:20 3:57:49 
   18   8   319 Relay-ted                               Co-Ed      4:01:14 4:00:56 
   19   1   324 Sole Sisters 2                          Masters    4:08:50 4:07:59 
   20   9   325 Team Boss                               Co-Ed      4:10:00 4:09:13 
   21   5   311 Husker Chicks                           Female     4:13:10 4:12:41 
   22   6   330 Team One Spirit Winyans                 Female     4:13:55 4:13:50 
   23  10   302 Almost to Old                           Co-Ed      4:18:23 4:16:58 
   24   7   322 RUNAWAY MOMS                            Female     4:19:12 4:18:42 
   25  11   327 Team Hare                               Co-Ed      4:22:50 4:21:40 
   26  12   332 The Fab Five                            Co-Ed      4:23:25 4:22:07 
   27  13   320 Run for God                             Co-Ed      4:30:43 4:29:51 
   28   8   315 Multi-gen runners                       Female     4:34:46 4:33:56 
   29   9   323 Sole Sisters                            Female     4:38:00 4:37:32 
   30  14   308 Down for Maintenance                    Co-Ed      4:51:55 4:51:06 
   31  15   312 Lakota Immersion Childcare              Co-Ed      4:53:40 4:52:24 
   32  10   304 Buns on the Run                         Female     4:59:37 4:58:25 
   33  11   317 Paige\'s Idea                            Female     4:59:20 4:58:59 
   34  12   307 Code Purple                             Female     5:05:52 5:04:14 
   35  16   303 BankWest                                Co-Ed      5:30:37 5:29:01 

results by Precision Race Results


                  Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2014                     
                          RELAY RESULTS - FEMALE
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim 
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   314 Mothers, Jugs, & Speed                  Female     3:38:45 
    2    2   321 Run Like A Mother                       Female     3:39:27 
    3    3   333 The pink ladies                         Female     3:51:11 
    4    4   316 NEBRASKA CHICKSWITHKICKS                Female     3:51:40 
    5    5   311 Husker Chicks                           Female     4:12:41 
    6    6   330 Team One Spirit Winyans                 Female     4:13:50 
    7    7   322 RUNAWAY MOMS                            Female     4:18:42 
    8    8   315 Multi-gen runners                       Female     4:33:56 
    9    9   323 Sole Sisters                            Female     4:37:32 
   10   10   304 Buns on the Run                         Female     4:58:25 
   11   11   317 Paige\'s Idea                            Female     4:58:59 
   12   12   307 Code Purple                             Female     5:04:14 

                  Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2014                     
                          RELAY RESULTS - MALE  
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim 
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   328 Team One Spirit Lakota 5                Male       3:12:00 
    2    2   335 Scheels                                 Male       3:15:31 
    3    3   306 Carry Me A Cross                        Male       3:29:38 
    4    4   313 Lakota Striders                         Male       3:34:07 
    5    5   334 Wolfpack                                Male       3:37:28 
    6    6   329 Team One Spirit Oyate                   Male       3:42:32 

                  Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2014                     
                           RELAY RESULTS - CO-ED
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim 
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   318 Reeves Family                           Co-Ed      3:32:40 
    2    2   310 Gunderson Palmer law firm               Co-Ed      3:38:57 
    3    3   331 Team Tortoise                           Co-Ed      3:43:23 
    4    4   305 C3MZ                                    Co-Ed      3:45:43 
    5    5   326 Team Happy Feet                         Co-Ed      3:47:48 
    6    6   301 3 Chicks and 2 Dicks                    Co-Ed      3:51:13 
    7    7   309 FoCo Locos                              Co-Ed      3:57:49 
    8    8   319 Relay-ted                               Co-Ed      4:00:56 
    9    9   325 Team Boss                               Co-Ed      4:09:13 
   10   10   302 Almost to Old                           Co-Ed      4:16:58 
   11   11   327 Team Hare                               Co-Ed      4:21:40 
   12   12   332 The Fab Five                            Co-Ed      4:22:07 
   13   13   320 Run for God                             Co-Ed      4:29:51 
   14   14   308 Down for Maintenance                    Co-Ed      4:51:06 
   15   15   312 Lakota Immersion Childcare              Co-Ed      4:52:24 
   16   16   303 BankWest                                Co-Ed      5:29:01 

                  Run Crazy Horse Marathon 2014                     
                          RELAY RESULTS - MASTERS
Place Team No.   Team                                    Category   Net Tim 
===== ==== ===== ======================================= ========== ======= 
    1    1   324 Sole Sisters 2                          Masters    4:07:59