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Resurrection Run - 5 Mile Overall Results Results

                             Resurrection Run
                               July 30, 2022
                                Gretna, NE
                           Official 5 Mile Results

Place Div/Tot  No.   Name                 Age Sex City             St  Gun Tim Net Tim      
===== ======== ===== ==================== === === ================ === ======= =======   
    1   1/7      581 Gavin Luthi           15   M Gretna           NE    31:33   31:33 | 
    2   2/7      591 Elliot Reece          15   M Omaha            NE    33:44   33:44 | 
    3   1/5      592 Joseph Rohacik        41   M Papillion        NE    33:51   33:50 | 
    4   1/3      577 Curtis Harmon         52   M Omaha            NE    35:01   34:57 | 
    5   3/7      539 Eric Asher            16   M Valley           NE    35:30   35:30 | 
    6   4/7      594 Nathan Sheldon        15   M Gretna           NE    36:24   36:24 | 
    7   5/7      585 Jaxon Nielsen         14   M Gretna           NE    36:24   36:24 | 
    8   2/5      574 Edgar Gil Rico        49   M Arlington        VA    36:29   36:27 | 
    9   6/7      570 Miles Cradduck        14   M Gretna           NE    38:28   38:28 | 
   10   1/1      582 Nicole Martindale     22   F Gretna           NE    38:35   38:32 | 
   11   1/3      586 Jillian Olson         37   F Council Bluffs   IA    38:47   38:41 | 
   12   2/3      596 Jeff Spilinek         50   M Gretna           NE    39:10   39:02 | 
   13   3/5      599 Josiah Warren         40   M Gretna           NE    39:40   39:31 | 
   14   2/3      575 Megan Gregory         38   F Gretna           NE    40:35   40:21 | 
   15   1/4      579 Mark Jones            68   M Omaha            NE    40:43   40:41 | 
   16   4/5      578 Td Johnson            46   M Gretna           NE    42:21   42:18 | 
   17   2/4      587 Brad Price            60   M Papillion        NE    42:36   42:36 | 
   18   1/4      598 Amanda Votruba        45   F Gretna           NE    45:20   45:12 | 
   19   1/3      576 Theresa Gulizia       50   F Gretna           NE    45:21   45:13 | 
   20   1/1      551 Bryan Castro          33   M Washington       DC    45:35   45:25 | 
   21   2/4      573 Sheri French          44   F Gretna           NE    47:57   47:49 | 
   22   3/4      583 Joseph McAvoy         66   M Omaha            NE    48:04   48:01 | 
   23   3/4      597 Tami Treloggen        47   F Omaha            NE    48:10   48:07 | 
   24   7/7      593 Jack Sewall           11   M Omaha            NE    48:10   48:08 | 
   25   4/4      590 Tish Rasmussen        48   F Omaha            NE    48:36   48:26 | 
   26   2/3      595 Debra Smith           51   F Omaha            NE    49:49   49:41 | 
   27   3/3      600 Ronald Waymire        58   M Waverly          NE    50:25   50:21 | 
   28   3/3      580 Allison Kluver        37   F Gretna           NE    51:18   51:13 | 
   29   3/3      588 Alice Price           58   F Papillion        NE    52:14   52:08 | 
   30   5/5      548 Jameel Beasley        41   M Papillion        NE    55:19   55:11 | 
   31   4/4      601 Michael Weller        66   M Omaha            NE    55:39   55:33 | 
   32   1/2      572 Kathy Elliott         65   F Madison          AL    55:45   55:40 | 
   33   2/2      571 Mary Kay Duros        62   F Omaha            NE    56:24   56:18 | 

results by Precision Race Results