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2021 Nebraska State Fair Marathon - 5K Overall--Text Results

           Nebraska State Fair Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K & 1M
                              August 28, 2021
                             Grand Island, NE
                            Official 5K Results

Place Div/Tot  No.   Name                   Age Sex City             St  Gun Tim Net Tim      
===== ======== ===== ====================== === === ================ === ======= =======   
    1   1/6      245 Caleb Collison          35   M Axtel            NE    16:29   16:29 | 
    2   1/1      148 Logan Kaliff            23   M York             NE    17:03   17:03 | 
    3   1/5      209 Payton Sindelar         18   M Grand Island     NE    17:17   17:17 | 
    4   1/3      227 Todd Vlieger            34   M Marquette        NE    17:36   17:36 | 
    5   2/6      163 Ray Longoria            38   M Kearney          NE    18:09   18:06 | 
    6   1/17     184 Kayte Partch            38   F Lincoln          NE    18:07   18:06 | 
    7   1/14      83 Emalie Clement          32   F Omaha            NE    18:20   18:18 | 
    8   1/2      215 Tom Sullivan            28   M Grand Island     NE    18:30   18:25 | 
    9   2/5      233 Ashon Willey            15   M Grand Island     NE    18:46   18:46 | 
   10   3/5      173 William Moninger        15   M Broken Bow       NE    20:01   20:01 | 
   11   1/3      191 Lynn Rathjen            76   M Grand Island     NE    20:10   20:10 | 
   12   1/6      147 Kim Kaliff              60   M York             NE    20:19   20:18 | 
   13   3/6      160 Matt Loeffler           35   M Columbus         NE    20:39   20:32 | 
   14   2/3       97 Simon Falcon            30   M Omaha            NE    21:08   21:01 | 
   15   1/5      124 Calvin Hassel           57   M Grand Island     NE    21:41   21:39 | 
   16   2/6      122 Brian Harrifeld         63   M Lincoln          NE    21:46   21:46 | 
   17   1/4      593 Robert Garcia           66   M La Vista         NE    22:20   22:18 | 
   18   1/7      229 Megan Wardyn            28   F Sioux Falls      SD    22:23   22:20 | 
   19   1/2      244 Dean Ernzen             51   M Granger          IN    22:59   22:54 | 
   20   1/4      120 Brooke Hale             24   F Phillips         NE    23:16   23:13 | 
   21   3/3      187 Chad Pfeifer            31   M Grand Island     NE    23:24   23:17 | 
   22   1/8      103 Rambler Farr            12   M Culbertson       NE    26:08   23:34 | 
   23   3/6      141 Randy Jarzynka          62   M Cairo            NE    23:35   23:35 | 
   24   2/7      181 Sharon Padilla          27   F Kearney          NE    23:42   23:36 | 
   25   1/5      207 Andrea Sebits           46   F Hesston          KS    23:48   23:42 | 
   26   2/8       87 Edgar Cuevas            14   M Grand Island     NE    23:53   23:50 | 
   27   4/6      104 Chad Fickes             37   M Roca             NE    24:56   24:41 | 
   28   1/4      106 Shawn Fletcher          45   M Grand Island     NE    24:54   24:49 | 
   29   4/6      186 Brad Petrasek           64   M Boulder          CO    25:23   25:16 | 
   30   2/4       90 Danny Dubbs             65   M Wood River       NE    25:28   25:24 | 
   31   1/11     188 Deb Phinney             56   F Grand Island     NE    26:13   26:07 | 
   32   1/3      236 Tadgh Wilson             8   M Dannebrog        NE    26:36   26:36 | 
   33   1/3      161 Payton Loeffler         13   F Grand Island     NE    26:40   26:37 | 
   34   2/4      136 Blake Hunkins           47   M Grand Island     NE    26:44   26:39 | 
   35   1/11     192 Jodi Rauert             50   F Wood River       NE    26:43   26:41 | 
   36   1/2      133 Jeremy Hogan            41   M Giltner          NE    26:56   26:42 | 
   37   4/5      185 Jonathan Perez          17   M Grand Island     NE    26:53   26:47 | 
   38   2/11     238 Sherri Wren             58   F Lincoln          NE    26:59   26:51 | 
   39   3/8      159 Brigham Loeffler        11   M Grand Island     NE    26:59   26:56 | 
   40   1/6      189 Kaitlyn Pokorney        16   F Kearney          NE    27:33   27:27 | 
   41   1/6      150 Deb Kluthe              63   F Scotia           NE    27:48   27:36 | 
   42   3/11     385 Karla Labenz            58   F Clarkson         NE    27:44   27:41 | 
   43   2/17     117 Megan Gotschall         36   F Scotia           NE    27:44   27:44 | 
   44   3/17     220 Elizabeth Todd          39   F Grand Island     NE    27:45   27:45 | 
   45   2/5      230 Michael Wardyn          59   M Grand Island     NE    27:59   27:48 | 
   46   4/8      139 Keegan Inks             12   M Grand Island     NE    27:54   27:48 | 
   47   2/4      206 Kara Schlueter          21   F Milford          NE    28:05   28:00 | 
   48   4/11     135 Kari Hooker-Leep        56   F Grand Island     NE    28:37   28:30 | 
   49   1/7      755 Keri Spangler           42   F Bennington       NE    28:51   28:34 | 
   50   2/2       77 Merritt Barton          27   M Central City     NE    29:01   28:41 | 
   51   1/2      226 Steven Vlieger          70   M Mitchell         SD    28:57   28:52 | 
   52   3/4      126 Ben Hennecke            45   M Lincoln          NE    29:15   28:55 | 
   53   2/3       78 Elias Berger             7   M Dannebrog        NE    28:57   28:57 | 
   54   3/7       76 Brittany Barton         27   F Central City     NE    29:20   29:00 | 
   55   2/6      201 Marcelline Ross         61   F Grand Island     NE    29:07   29:02 | 
   56   5/6      240 Rod Yanagida            62   M Roca             NE    29:08   29:06 | 
   57   3/5      158 Jeff Leep               55   M Grand Island     NE    29:19   29:11 | 
   58   2/3      242 Kiplyn Classen          14   F Wood River       NE    29:17   29:15 | 
   59   2/5      137 Jennifer Hunkins        49   F Grand Island     NE    29:21   29:17 | 
   60   2/6      167 Sage McCallum           17   F Grand Island     NE    29:44   29:41 | 
   61   3/4      153 Reghan Kort             22   F Grand Island     NE    29:51   29:46 | 
   62   2/14     234 Kelsie Wilson           31   F Dannebrog        NE    30:05   30:05 | 
   63   1/2      235 Sojourn Wilson           7   F Dannebrog        NE    30:05   30:05 | 
   64   2/3      205 Jerry Schaben           78   M Seward           NE    30:20   30:07 | 
   65   1/6      107 Christine Fogland       66   F Grand Island     NE    30:40   30:31 | 
   66   2/2      166 Roberto Magallon        71   M Grand Island     NE    30:53   30:49 | 
   67   5/8       74 Luis Daniel Aguilera M  14   M Grand Island     NE    30:58   30:54 | 
   68   4/4      105 Kevin Fickes            45   M Grand Island     NE    31:09   30:54 | 
   69   2/2      109 Will Goding             41   M Grand Island     NE    31:07   30:55 | 
   70   4/17     196 Lynda Redden            38   F Trenton          NE    31:06   31:02 | 
   71   6/6       79 Steve Buhrman           63   M Saint Libory     NE    31:17   31:07 | 
   72   3/3      169 Connor Merchant          8   M Lincoln          NE    31:17   31:08 | 
   73   3/14      88 Shaylee Dirks           30   F Lincoln          NE    31:27   31:09 | 
   74   4/14      96 Heather Faimon          30   F Hastings         NE    31:44   31:28 | 
   75   5/11     237 Pamela Wooster          58   F Steamboat Spring CO    31:47   31:40 | 
   76   2/7      171 Kara Merchant           43   F Lincoln          NE    31:56   31:48 | 
   77   3/6      232 Rosa Wiese              60   F Grand Island     NE    31:54   31:51 | 
   78   4/7      200 Maggie Roehrich         28   F Grand Island     NE    32:30   32:08 | 
   79   6/8      170 Devin Merchant          12   M Lincoln          NE    32:20   32:12 | 
   80   2/11     217 Jan Thompson            53   F Overton          NE    35:09   32:17 | 
   81   4/4      182 Emma Papasian           23   F Bozeman          MT    32:30   32:20 | 
   82   2/2      102 Rick Farias             53   M Grand Island     NE    32:49   32:25 | 
   83   6/11      80 Patty Chase             56   F Ashland          NE    32:39   32:25 | 
   84   3/5      101 Angie Farias            47   F Grand Island     NE    32:38   32:31 | 
   85   7/11     178 Holly Ortega            58   F Grand Island     NE    33:04   32:44 | 
   86   5/14     116 Michaela Goosic         32   F Grand Island     NE    33:04   32:44 | 
   87   3/7       94 Tammi Evans             44   F Phillips         NE    33:07   32:49 | 
   88   5/17      73 Sofia Aguilera          35   F Grand Island     NE    33:01   32:56 | 
   89   6/17     155 Mandy Lauck             39   F Columbus         NE    33:13   32:57 | 
   90   4/7      156 Heather Lauterbach      42   F Columbus         NE    33:27   33:16 | 
   91   7/17     174 Emily Morris            39   F Grand Island     NE    33:29   33:17 | 
   92   3/4      108 Daniel Fogland          68   M Grand Island     NE    33:33   33:23 | 
   93   3/6      142 Claire Jensen           18   F Aurora           NE    33:39   33:34 | 
   94   8/17     119 Julie Gustafson         39   F Grand Island     NE    33:55   33:43 | 
   95   7/8      138 Kyle Hunkins            12   M Grand Island     NE    34:05   34:01 | 
   96   4/6      175 Lil O\'neill            60   F Lincoln          NE    34:12   34:05 | 
   97   8/11      86 Sheri Connell           57   F Newport          NE    35:16   34:58 | 
   98   6/14      82 Amanda Ciurej           33   F Grand Island     NE    35:23   35:09 | 
   99   5/7      197 Lisa Reuter             44   F Bixby            OK    35:31   35:24 | 
  100   4/5      130 Scott Hiatt             58   M Grand Island     NE    35:39   35:37 | 
  101   9/17     123 April Harris            35   F Grand Island     NE    36:17   36:04 | 
  102   9/11     228 Lori Wagner             56   F Grand Island     NE    36:57   36:34 | 
  103  10/17     210 Kayann Skibinski        39   F Loup City        NE    36:55   36:51 | 
  104   3/3      214 Jack Sullivan           75   M Lincoln          NE    37:17   36:55 | 
  105   5/7      199 Carlene Ritta           26   F Central City     NE    37:30   37:13 | 
  106   6/7       85 Sarah Connell           26   F Grand Island     NE    37:31   37:13 | 
  107   2/2      128 Madelyn Hennings         3   F Papillion        NE    37:35   37:21 | 
  108   7/14     127 Andrea Hennings         33   F Papillion        NE    37:35   37:21 | 
  109   4/6      180 Olivia Ostdiek          19   F Grand Island     NE    37:40   37:27 | 
  110   3/11     177 Bridget O'Neil          51   F Grand Island     NE    38:02   37:47 | 
  111   5/6      164 Nathan Luna             35   M Grand Island     NE    38:02   37:48 | 
  112   3/3      193 Emma Reagan             12   F Grand Island     NE    38:26   38:07 | 
  113   4/11      93 Sherri Ernzen           53   F Granger          IN    39:55   39:49 | 
  114   6/7      190 Tara Pokorney           43   F Kearney          NE    40:14   40:07 | 
  115   5/11      84 Ellen Coats             54   F Council Bluffs   IA    40:28   40:16 | 
  116   5/5      194 Samuel Reagan           15   M Grand Island     NE    40:38   40:19 | 
  117   8/8      157 Trenton Lauterbach      13   M Columbus         NE    40:35   40:25 | 
  118   8/14     132 Amber Hoback            34   F Chapman          NE    40:49   40:30 | 
  119   9/14      81 Katie Christensen       31   F Grand Island     NE    40:48   40:30 | 
  120   6/11     131 Marianne Hilderbrand    54   F Council Bluffs   IA    40:48   40:37 | 
  121   5/6      168 Sally McCann            64   F Kearney          NE    41:22   41:17 | 
  122   4/4      151 John Kluthe             66   M Scotia           NE    42:33   42:17 | 
  123   2/6       89 Leann Drullinger        66   F North Platte     NE    43:11   42:52 | 
  124   7/11      99 Lora Fanning            54   F Chestnut         IL    43:19   43:02 | 
  125   3/6      569 Paula Daoust            67   F Kansas City      KS    43:51   43:36 | 
  126  11/17      91 Katherine Ericson       38   F Lincoln          NE    44:25   44:09 | 
  127  12/17     125 Keeley Heise            38   F West Point       NE    44:25   44:09 | 
  128  13/17     121 Natosha Halm            37   F Grand Island     NE    44:34   44:24 | 
  129  10/14     162 Virginia Longmore       30   F Grand Island     NE    44:34   44:24 | 
  130   7/7      195 Vanessa Reagan          40   F Grand Island     NE    45:39   45:20 | 
  131   8/11     198 Heather Ristov          53   F Grand Island     NE    47:07   46:43 | 
  132   4/6      213 Anna Sullivan           67   F Lincoln          NE    47:16   46:54 | 
  133  10/11     239 Lisa Yanagida           58   F Roca             NE    47:58   47:56 | 
  134  11/11     183 Meredith Papasian       56   F Lambesc          FRA   48:22   48:08 | 
  135  14/17     172 Anna Miller             36   F Wood River       NE    48:32   48:08 | 
  136  11/14     134 Courtney Hohlfeld       31   F Glenvil          NE    48:32   48:09 | 
  137   5/6      222 Mary Unrein             66   F Grand Island     NE    48:39   48:23 | 
  138   6/6      179 Janice Ortega           62   F Grand Island     NE    49:01   48:44 | 
  139  15/17     212 Jennifer Stump          35   F Grand Island     NE    50:28   50:02 | 
  140  16/17     211 January Starman         38   F Phillips         NE    50:28   50:02 | 
  141  12/14     176 Naomi Olson             33   F McCook           NE    50:28   50:02 | 
  142   4/5       95 Lynette Exum            49   F Lincoln          NE    51:16   50:58 | 
  143   5/5      129 Beca Hiatt              49   F Grand Island     NE    51:03   51:00 | 
  144   7/7       75 Jessica Ancinec         26   F Hudsonville      MI    51:19   51:09 | 
  145   6/6      202 Aaron Rothenberger      36   M Kearney          NE    52:32   51:21 | 
  146   5/5      204 Neal Rothenberger       57   M Grand Island     NE    52:32   51:23 | 
  147   9/11     203 Monica Rothenberger     54   F Grand Island     NE    52:42   51:33 | 
  148  13/14     221 Chantilly Trejo         32   F Ord              NE    51:58   51:49 | 
  149  14/14     225 Andrea Velasco          34   F Grand Island     NE    52:00   51:50 | 
  150   5/6       70 Haley Horst             17   F Grand Island     NE    47:43   52:46 | 
  151   6/6      241 Addison Pinneo          15   F York             NE    47:43   52:47 | 
  152  17/17      71 Debra Zarek             36   F Genoa            NE    47:43   52:47 | 
  153   6/6      152 Shannon Koepke          65   F Holstein         NE    54:28   54:07 | 
  154  10/11     145 Shuna Jones             50   F Hastings         NE    54:28   54:07 | 
  155  11/11     149 Kristi Kistler          51   F Hastings         NE    54:28   54:08 | 

results by Precision Race Results