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East Augustine Invitational XC JV Boys 5 km

East Augustine Invitational XC JV Boys 5 km

Ewing Park, Des Moines, IA

Oct. 4, 2018

cool, partly sunny
Results by Michael Franke

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                                  Last updated Oct. 4, 2018 9:09 PM

  1 Johnston                 15    1    2    3    4    5    6    7  17:53.2  0:25.3
  2 Southeast Polk           72    9   13   14   16   20   23   24  19:29.0  0:37.5
  3 Roosevelt                76   10   11   15   19   21   22   27  19:32.7  0:37.0
  4 Dowling Catholic        116    8   17   28   31   32   39   40  19:54.5  1:28.1
  5 Valley                  131   18   25   26   29   33   34   35  20:08.0  0:56.1
  6 Ottumwa                 157   12   30   36   38   41   44   45  20:30.2  1:56.4
  7 East                    215   37   42   43   46   47   50   51  21:27.4  1:09.6
  8 Marshalltown            267   49   53   54   55   56   57   58  23:27.6  1:52.1
  9 Hoover                  280   48   52   59   60   61   62   63  24:11.7  3:40.1

Incomplete Teams: 

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Johnston
    1  Ben Kinman, 4            17:42.1  
    2  Nathan Kellar, 2         17:46.1  
    3  Cade Meyer, 4            17:48.7  
    4  Hunter Briggs, 3         18:01.5  
    5  Aidan MacGregor, 4       18:07.4  
    6  Kyle Battani, 2          18:13.9  
    7  Michael Schmitz, 4       18:22.3  
Total Time = 1:29:25.8     Total Places = 15

2. Southeast Polk
    9  Hudson Frank, 1          19:15.5  
   13  Nathan Parker, 3         19:17.8  
   14  Alex Wilson, 2           19:20.4  
   16  Eric Fitzpatrick, 2      19:38.2  
   20  Cj Schrock, 4            19:52.9  
   23  Mircea Nastase, 4        19:55.6  
   24  Eli Hanson, 4            19:58.9  
Total Time = 1:37:24.8     Total Places = 72

3. Roosevelt
   10  Jackson Haugh, 2         19:17.1  
   11  Jack Joyce, 2            19:17.4  
   15  Henry Nagle, 1           19:30.8  
   19  Nick Jackson, 1          19:44.1  
   21  Marcko Dalay, 2          19:54.0  
   22  Beckett LaPrade, 1       19:55.6  
   27  Forrest Laprade, 4       20:05.5  
Total Time = 1:37:43.4     Total Places = 76

4. Dowling Catholic
    8  Tommy Hancock, 1         18:56.8  
   17  Michael Lord, 1          19:39.5  
   28  Will Meilander, 2        20:10.7  
   31  Paul Johnson, 3          20:20.6  
   32  Patricio Garcia, 1       20:24.9  
   39  Sam Leto, 1              20:52.6  
   40  Daniel Ordaz, 4          20:52.8  
Total Time = 1:39:32.5     Total Places = 116

5. Valley
   18  Jordan Alexander, 3      19:41.4  
   25  Paul Andersen, 1         20:01.7  
   26  Aryan Prajapati, 4       20:04.9  
   29  David Gaunt, 3           20:14.6  
   33  Graham Margulies, 3      20:37.4  
   34  Garrett Burger, 4        20:46.2  
   35  Joseph Smith, 2          20:47.4  
Total Time = 1:40:40.0     Total Places = 131

6. Ottumwa
   12  luis sosa, 4             19:17.6  
   30  javon martin, 4          20:20.2  
   36  quintin hull, 2          20:47.5  
   38  tayler young, 3          20:51.4  
   41  anthony reyman, 1        21:13.9  
   44  mason young, 1           21:36.6  
   45  carter elluiott, 1       21:37.5  
Total Time = 1:42:30.6     Total Places = 157

7. East
   37  Alexander Wallace, 3     20:47.7  
   42  Zachary Wallace, 3       21:17.7  
   43  Cosmas Nyaika, 3         21:19.7  
   46  Trenton Burkheimer, 3    21:54.2  
   47  Isaiah Loaisiga, 1       21:57.3  
   50  Kade Dolphin, 3          22:28.0  
   51  Brady Gordon, 1          22:36.6  
Total Time = 1:47:16.6     Total Places = 215

8. Marshalltown
   49  Aaron Seberger, 1        22:25.6  
   53  Jose Vergara, 1          23:01.9  
   54  Ruben Gallegos, 1        23:28.7  
   55  Diego Ordaz, 2           24:03.9  
   56  Saul Pantoja, 2          24:17.7  
   57  Jaimen Rivera, 4         24:43.1  
   58  Bway Htoo, 1             24:47.5  
Total Time = 1:57:17.8     Total Places = 267

9. Hoover
   48  Trevor Jackson, 3        21:59.1  
   52  Morgan Jackson, 1        22:43.4  
   59  Duncan Silberhorn, 3     25:18.2  
   60  Brandon Luna, 3          25:18.2  
   61  Godson Ugwuanyi, 3       25:39.2  
   62  Hakeem Guanne, 3         25:40.7  
   63  Arnold Gil-Acosta, 3     25:54.0  
Total Time = 2:00:58.1     Total Places = 280
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Ben Kinman, 4 17:42.1 Johnston 2 2 Nathan Kellar, 2 17:46.1 Johnston 3 3 Cade Meyer, 4 17:48.7 Johnston 4 4 Hunter Briggs, 3 18:01.5 Johnston 5 5 Aidan MacGregor, 4 18:07.4 Johnston 6 6 Kyle Battani, 2 18:13.9 Johnston 7 7 Michael Schmitz, 4 18:22.3 Johnston 8 Karson Kleve, 3 18:22.3 Johnston 9 Matthew Kliegl, 3 18:32.9 Johnston 10 Owen Ness, 4 18:33.9 Johnston 11 Drew Schmidt, 3 18:39.1 Johnston 12 Asher Heuss, 4 18:39.6 Johnston 13 Jason White, 3 18:41.1 Johnston 14 Matt Borgmeier, 2 18:43.2 Johnston 15 Kiernan Adair, 4 18:45.5 Johnston 16 Grant Allen, 2 18:49.5 Johnston 17 Andrew Bauer, 3 18:49.5 Johnston 18 Zach Anthofer, 4 18:56.4 Johnston 19 8 Tommy Hancock, 1 18:56.8 Dowling Catholic 20 Carson Stanley, 2 19:03.6 Johnston 21 Will Morlock, 3 19:10.6 Johnston 22 Jackson Marshall, 4 19:12.4 Johnston 23 9 Hudson Frank, 1 19:15.5 Southeast Polk 24 10 Jackson Haugh, 2 19:17.1 Roosevelt 25 11 Jack Joyce, 2 19:17.4 Roosevelt 26 12 luis sosa, 4 19:17.6 Ottumwa 27 13 Nathan Parker, 3 19:17.8 Southeast Polk 28 14 Alex Wilson, 2 19:20.4 Southeast Polk 29 Jake Sterling, 3 19:27.2 Johnston 30 15 Henry Nagle, 1 19:30.8 Roosevelt 31 Josh Meyer, 3 19:33.7 Johnston 32 16 Eric Fitzpatrick, 2 19:38.2 Southeast Polk 33 17 Michael Lord, 1 19:39.5 Dowling Catholic 34 18 Jordan Alexander, 3 19:41.4 Valley 35 19 Nick Jackson, 1 19:44.1 Roosevelt 36 Joe Kerber, 1 19:47.5 Johnston 37 Charlie Pattinson, 3 19:51.8 Johnston 38 Noor Noor, 3 19:52.0 Johnston 39 20 Cj Schrock, 4 19:52.9 Southeast Polk 40 21 Marcko Dalay, 2 19:54.0 Roosevelt 41 22 Beckett LaPrade, 1 19:55.6 Roosevelt 42 23 Mircea Nastase, 4 19:55.6 Southeast Polk 43 24 Eli Hanson, 4 19:58.9 Southeast Polk 44 Zach Frey, 4 19:59.7 Johnston 45 Zach Person, 4 20:00.0 Southeast Polk 46 25 Paul Andersen, 1 20:01.7 Valley 47 Noah Waldon, 3 20:01.7 Southeast Polk 48 Jacob Martin, 2 20:02.7 Southeast Polk 49 26 Aryan Prajapati, 4 20:04.9 Valley 50 27 Forrest Laprade, 4 20:05.5 Roosevelt 51 28 Will Meilander, 2 20:10.7 Dowling Catholic 52 Jaden Johnson, 3 20:12.3 Roosevelt 53 Matthew Crist, 2 20:13.9 Roosevelt 54 Jake Wagner, 1 20:14.0 Johnston 55 29 David Gaunt, 3 20:14.6 Valley 56 Nathan Zook, 1 20:16.4 Southeast Polk 57 30 javon martin, 4 20:20.2 Ottumwa 58 31 Paul Johnson, 3 20:20.6 Dowling Catholic 59 Zach Abbey, 3 20:23.4 Johnston 60 32 Patricio Garcia, 1 20:24.9 Dowling Catholic 61 Tyler McCormac, 1 20:24.9 Roosevelt 62 Nolan Larsen, 3 20:26.0 Southeast Polk 63 Andy Kramer, 4 20:26.5 Roosevelt 64 Nick Cheung, 4 20:28.7 Southeast Polk 65 Stephen Beaman, 1 20:31.0 Johnston 66 Zach Harvey, 2 20:31.5 Johnston 67 Nick Bechtel, 1 20:32.7 Johnston 68 33 Graham Margulies, 3 20:37.4 Valley 69 Evan Newcomb, 4 20:40.4 Johnston 70 Jack Neel, 2 20:40.9 Roosevelt 71 Trevon Kyer, 2 20:42.4 Southeast Polk 72 Ethan Holter, 1 20:43.4 Johnston 73 Konrad Rohlf, 1 20:43.6 Johnston 74 Jack Olson, 2 20:45.5 Roosevelt 75 34 Garrett Burger, 4 20:46.2 Valley 76 Tate Severs, 1 20:46.4 Johnston 77 35 Joseph Smith, 2 20:47.4 Valley 78 36 quintin hull, 2 20:47.5 Ottumwa 79 37 Alexander Wallace, 3 20:47.7 East 80 Theo Whitehead, 1 20:47.7 Roosevelt 81 Ben McFetridge, 1 20:48.4 Roosevelt 82 Connor Niland, 3 20:50.0 Valley 83 Carter Smith, 1 20:50.3 Valley 84 Jackson Grant, 1 20:51.2 Roosevelt 85 38 tayler young, 3 20:51.4 Ottumwa 86 39 Sam Leto, 1 20:52.6 Dowling Catholic 87 40 Daniel Ordaz, 4 20:52.8 Dowling Catholic 88 Antonio Banuelos-Moriel, 220:53.0 Dowling Catholic 89 Colin Recker, 3 20:53.6 Dowling Catholic 90 Jamison Cunningham, 2 20:54.0 Johnston 91 Bashar Eid, 3 20:54.3 Roosevelt 92 Joey Krejchi, 2 20:54.5 Dowling Catholic 93 Jack Borgmeier, 3 20:55.7 Johnston 94 Daniel Fu, 4 20:56.4 Johnston 95 Cade Nickell, 2 20:57.0 Southeast Polk 96 Cael Fitch, 2 20:57.3 Roosevelt 97 Ean Cummings, 2 20:57.9 Roosevelt 98 Nathan Waters, 2 20:58.6 Johnston 99 Noah Gumm, 2 21:01.7 Roosevelt 100 Patrick Feltz, 1 21:02.4 Dowling Catholic 101 Andrew Larson, 1 21:03.3 Valley 102 Levi Schultz, 2 21:07.5 Valley 103 Evan Wilson, 4 21:07.8 Southeast Polk 104 Isaac Anderson, 3 21:11.7 Southeast Polk 105 41 anthony reyman, 1 21:13.9 Ottumwa 106 Max Swinton, 3 21:17.0 Roosevelt 107 42 Zachary Wallace, 3 21:17.7 East 108 43 Cosmas Nyaika, 3 21:19.7 East 109 Eric Schmitt, 3 21:20.3 Johnston 110 Owen Conn, 2 21:20.9 Dowling Catholic 111 Kyle Goben, 3 21:21.0 Johnston 112 Cael Jones, 2 21:21.7 Southeast Polk 113 Brad Vu, 3 21:22.4 Johnston 114 Andrew Robey, 1 21:23.8 Dowling Catholic 115 Sam Gumm, 3 21:27.4 Roosevelt 116 Harrison Eckard-Garrett, 321:28.7 Roosevelt 117 Tom Giampolo, 3 21:30.5 Johnston 118 Jackson Davis, 3 21:34.3 Johnston 119 Devon Tekolste, 1 21:34.6 Southeast Polk 120 Wiley Parks, 4 21:35.0 Southeast Polk 121 44 mason young, 1 21:36.6 Ottumwa 122 45 carter elluiott, 1 21:37.5 Ottumwa 123 Wyatt Kacmarynski, 3 21:40.4 Johnston 124 Marco Aranda, 3 21:41.3 Roosevelt 125 Brayden Topic, 2 21:41.9 Valley 126 Ben Johnson, 2 21:42.3 Valley 127 Luke Trannel, 1 21:42.5 Valley 128 Eli Munch, 1 21:45.0 Valley 129 jesse vanderheiden, 2 21:45.5 Ottumwa 130 Jake Beattie, 4 21:45.7 Southeast Polk 131 Shane Esposito, 4 21:45.7 Roosevelt 132 Kyle Geerts, 3 21:47.6 Johnston 133 Ayden Lyon, 1 21:49.7 Johnston 134 Grant Dahlen, 4 21:50.3 Valley 135 46 Trenton Burkheimer, 3 21:54.2 East 136 Jack Schaeuble, 3 21:55.6 Valley 137 47 Isaiah Loaisiga, 1 21:57.3 East 138 Charlie Craiger, 1 21:57.8 Roosevelt 139 48 Trevor Jackson, 3 21:59.1 Hoover 140 Vir Patel, 2 21:59.6 Johnston 141 Joey Koehler, 1 22:00.7 Johnston 142 Jacob Phillips, 2 22:02.7 Valley 143 John Romo, 2 22:03.4 Roosevelt 144 Joel Kellar, 2 22:03.9 Johnston 145 Jesse Floyd, 1 22:04.1 Valley 146 Cameron McNally, 3 22:05.2 Roosevelt 147 Sam Burns, 2 22:05.5 Valley 148 Mason DeLange, 3 22:05.8 Roosevelt 149 Drake Davis, 2 22:06.8 Dowling Catholic 150 Andy Tran, 1 22:07.2 Valley 151 Jude Charlton, 4 22:07.6 Roosevelt 152 Isaac Kronberg, 1 22:08.2 Johnston 153 Gabe Vald, 4 22:11.6 Roosevelt 154 Sam Hennes, 1 22:11.8 Johnston 155 Derek Marsh, 1 22:12.6 Johnston 156 chris luedtke, 1 22:17.5 Ottumwa 157 Hayden McCormac, 1 22:19.5 Roosevelt 158 Pradyumna Dahal, 2 22:24.6 Valley 159 Will Bussey, 1 22:25.3 Dowling Catholic 160 49 Aaron Seberger, 1 22:25.6 Marshalltown 161 50 Kade Dolphin, 3 22:28.0 East 162 Austin Fickbohm, 3 22:28.0 Southeast Polk 163 Brome Churchill, 2 22:29.1 Southeast Polk 164 Zach Rinke, 4 22:30.2 Dowling Catholic 165 Nick Rider, 3 22:31.8 Roosevelt 166 Brady Willis, 2 22:33.3 Johnston 167 Andrew Ritchie, 3 22:35.8 Johnston 168 Alex Granados, 1 22:36.4 Roosevelt 169 51 Brady Gordon, 1 22:36.6 East 170 Ryan Williams, 2 22:37.6 Roosevelt 171 Nathan Pendleton, 2 22:39.0 East 172 Seth Parry, 3 22:39.5 Roosevelt 173 Isaac Helton, 2 22:39.6 Roosevelt 174 Carl Murphy, 3 22:39.7 Valley 175 Jens Rasmussen, 4 22:39.7 Johnston 176 trey hull, 1 22:40.1 Ottumwa 177 Spencer Jones, 2 22:40.6 Roosevelt 178 Jonah Sterling, 1 22:41.8 Johnston 179 Luke Mullen, 3 22:41.9 Johnston 180 52 Morgan Jackson, 1 22:43.4 Hoover 181 Gavin Mally, 1 22:43.9 Johnston 182 Brandon Ness, 1 22:46.9 Johnston 183 William Thompson, 1 22:47.5 Valley 184 Will Pixley, 1 22:47.6 Valley 185 Patrick Niland, 3 22:49.6 Valley 186 Nate Stone, 2 22:57.1 Roosevelt 187 Daniel Pinero, 1 22:58.2 Roosevelt 188 Aidan Klemm, 1 23:00.0 Dowling Catholic 189 Cael Stark, 2 23:00.0 Dowling Catholic 190 Gabe Cook, 2 23:00.9 Dowling Catholic 191 Liam Stamper, 2 23:01.8 Roosevelt 192 53 Jose Vergara, 1 23:01.9 Marshalltown 193 Jeison Jaimes, 2 23:03.8 Dowling Catholic 194 Sukhman Virdi, 4 23:06.7 Valley 195 Owen Barstad, 2 23:08.6 Roosevelt 196 William Wagner, 3 23:11.4 East 197 Evan Bracewell, 4 23:16.5 Southeast Polk 198 Dj Barnes, 4 23:20.0 Southeast Polk 199 Zavier Hahn, 2 23:27.7 Roosevelt 200 54 Ruben Gallegos, 1 23:28.7 Marshalltown 201 Abhushan Pradhan, 1 23:38.5 Valley 202 alex leon, 2 23:40.5 Ottumwa 203 Connor Welsh, 3 23:41.5 Southeast Polk 204 Matt Bendinger, 1 23:45.1 Valley 205 Cody Vansylalom, 2 23:46.5 East 206 Alex Owens, 1 23:46.7 Valley 207 Henry Mitchell, 1 23:49.6 Roosevelt 208 Forrest Landis, 2 23:53.4 Dowling Catholic 209 Michael Babcock, 4 23:56.4 Southeast Polk 210 Luke Amspaugh, 2 23:57.8 Johnston 211 Akira Nemoto, 4 23:59.2 Roosevelt 212 55 Diego Ordaz, 2 24:03.9 Marshalltown 213 Grant Brown, 2 24:06.5 Roosevelt 214 Andrew McEniry, 1 24:10.9 Dowling Catholic 215 Rocky Vizcarra, 3 24:15.8 East 216 Cal Pennington, 1 24:17.5 Roosevelt 217 56 Saul Pantoja, 2 24:17.7 Marshalltown 218 Anthony Arroyo, 4 24:21.4 Roosevelt 219 Ian Gaunt, 1 24:22.2 Valley 220 Aidan Alaimo, 1 24:27.4 Johnston 221 Ethan Letsch, 1 24:29.4 Valley 222 Zach Corsbie, 1 24:29.7 Johnston 223 Ajani Patton-Imani, 1 24:43.0 Roosevelt 224 57 Jaimen Rivera, 4 24:43.1 Marshalltown 225 James Barnes, 1 24:45.0 Dowling Catholic 226 58 Bway Htoo, 1 24:47.5 Marshalltown 227 Jacob Thome, 4 24:49.3 Roosevelt 228 Matthew He, 1 24:50.9 Johnston 229 Casey Shanaberger, 4 24:56.1 Dowling Catholic 230 Oscar Romo, 1 24:59.4 Dowling Catholic 231 Charley Dunham, 2 25:03.1 Roosevelt 232 Joseph Seymour, 4 25:12.3 Dowling Catholic 233 Gary Quinn, 3 25:14.8 Roosevelt 234 Morgan Adamovicz, 1 25:18.1 Southeast Polk 235 59 Duncan Silberhorn, 3 25:18.2 Hoover 236 60 Brandon Luna, 3 25:18.2 Hoover 237 Ethan Butler, 2 25:25.7 Southeast Polk 238 Jacob Knox, 3 25:31.6 Johnston 239 Justin Miller, 2 25:34.3 Valley 240 Matthew Linkletter, 4 25:35.5 Dowling Catholic 241 Caleb Fuller, 2 25:36.2 East 242 61 Godson Ugwuanyi, 3 25:39.2 Hoover 243 62 Hakeem Guanne, 3 25:40.7 Hoover 244 Emmett Badder, 4 25:43.7 Marshalltown 245 Brady Thompson, 1 25:43.8 Valley 246 Dylan Bracy, 3 25:45.5 Marshalltown 247 Jacob Demuth, 4 25:49.3 East 248 Matthew Alaimo, 1 25:53.5 Johnston 249 Nicholas Cloutier, 4 25:54.0 Dowling Catholic 250 63 Arnold Gil-Acosta, 3 25:54.0 Hoover 251 Charlie Ill, 1 26:10.4 Roosevelt 252 Dalton Cale, 3 26:17.5 Dowling Catholic 253 Sam Covill, 1 26:29.5 Dowling Catholic 254 Gage Stalzer, 4 26:36.1 Marshalltown 255 Isaac Gasior, 3 26:40.6 Valley 256 Safari Niyonchiti, 3 27:26.9 Hoover 257 Evan Hilton, 4 27:36.7 Roosevelt 258 Colin Yuska, 1 27:52.1 Johnston 259 Jackson Heaberlin, 1 27:52.3 Johnston 260 Nate Green, 3 28:40.8 Dowling Catholic 261 Eli Chow, 1 29:34.2 Johnston 262 Leo Brooks, 2 30:18.0 Roosevelt 263 Noah Nicholson, 1 30:51.2 Southeast Polk 264 Thomas Hewitt, 4 31:40.8 Valley 265 Carlos Pena, 3 32:54.3 East 266 Blaine Gunderson, 4 33:05.4 Marshalltown 267 Kunal Singhal, 1 33:42.1 Johnston 268 Sam Dolde, 3 34:39.9 Johnston

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