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2017 Deadwood - Mickelson Trail Marathon - Marathon Relay Results

                                  Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon
                                           OVERALL RELAY RESULTS
Place Tea No.    Team                                    Category   13.1    Gun     Net        
===== === ====== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= ======= 
    1   1    756 The Lucky 5                             Co-Ed      1:42:47 3:15:52 3:15:43 
    2   2    763 Wilson 5                                Co-Ed      1:38:08 3:17:49 3:17:42 
    3   3    750 Team Oliver                             Co-Ed      1:43:42 3:28:40 3:28:33 
    4   4    766 Operating Odd Balls                     Co-Ed      1:38:55 3:31:45 3:31:40 
    5   1    715 Dayblazers                              Male       1:58:17 3:34:48 3:34:04 
    6   5    751 Team Terk                               Co-Ed      1:53:00 3:41:01 3:40:26 
    7   2    764 Wyoming Refining Company                Male       1:54:10 3:42:45 3:42:24 
    8   1    741 Running the Show                        Female     2:07:05 3:55:21 3:54:28 
    9   6    728 Off In The Corner                       Co-Ed      1:55:53 3:56:49 3:56:32 
   10   7    705 BHSH 2Fit2Quit                          Co-Ed              3:57:14 3:57:10 
   11   8    735 Rogue Runners                           Co-Ed      1:42:25 4:00:30 4:00:13 
   12   9    726 Moran Clan                              Co-Ed      1:59:38 4:02:29 4:02:26 
   13   3    724 LastPlace                               Male       1:58:47 4:04:41 4:04:24 
   14  10    727 Nix Fencing                             Co-Ed      2:09:58 4:07:02 4:06:23 
   15   2    742 Rushmore RINOs                          Female     1:51:58 4:08:16 4:08:10 
   16  11    765 Wyoming Willies                         Co-Ed      2:16:44 4:10:36 4:10:13 
   17  12    733 Roadrunners                             Co-Ed      2:13:48 4:11:47 4:11:19 
   18  13    740 Running Rebels                          Co-Ed      2:14:29 4:12:31 4:12:00 
   19   3    711 buns on the run                         Female     2:13:45 4:13:27 4:13:10 
   20  14    748 Sundog Sloggers                         Co-Ed      2:10:42 4:16:55 4:16:22 
   21  15    717 Dig Deep, Run Hard                      Co-Ed      2:16:59 4:17:14 4:16:40 
   22  16    757 Tight Butts Sweaty Nuts                 Co-Ed      2:01:30 4:19:39 4:19:05 
   23  17    744 Slaughter house                         Co-Ed      2:11:32 4:21:05 4:21:05 
   24   4    703 Bad River Runners                       Female     2:10:37 4:22:26 4:21:35 
   25  18    729 Outrun The Ashhole                      Co-Ed      2:13:18 4:23:07 4:22:24 
   26  19    755 The Gimlets                             Co-Ed      2:08:50 4:23:56 4:23:48 
   27   5    709 BodyByDemi                              Female     2:20:23 4:24:54 4:24:23 
   28  20    721 Full Follies                            Co-Ed      2:11:09 4:26:47 4:26:26 
   29   6    718 Drug Dealing Divas                      Female     2:18:11 4:28:22 4:27:31 
   30  21    754 The Geezers                             Co-Ed      2:08:47 4:28:07 4:27:59 
   31  22    736 Rosebud Sioux Tribe/JDC                 Co-Ed      2:16:16 4:33:55 4:33:13 
   32  23    720 Five Fools                              Co-Ed      2:20:58 4:34:14 4:34:12 
   33  24    704 Beer Gutz & Coconuts                    Co-Ed      2:15:13 4:35:00 4:34:26 
   34  25    712 Chafing The Dream                       Co-Ed      2:17:29 4:37:05 4:36:20 
   35   7    749 Team Marcie                             Female     2:24:25 4:39:01 4:38:16 
   36   8    708 Blood Sweat & Beers                     Female     2:31:48 4:41:19 4:40:39 
   37   9    738 Runaway Mamas                           Female     2:14:53 4:43:39 4:42:55 
   38  10    734 Rocky Mountain Road Runners             Female     2:28:10 4:44:04 4:43:26 
   39  26    731 Reluctant Runners                       Co-Ed      2:26:53 4:44:27 4:44:03 
   40  27    767 Walkins' Only!                          Co-Ed      2:14:06 4:46:10 4:45:10 
   41  11    725 Make Running Mediocre Again!            Female     2:18:03 4:47:00 4:46:19 
   42  12    761 We Thought They Said Rum 2              Female     2:36:29 4:50:29 4:50:26 
   43  28    701 307 Not fast, Just Furious              Co-Ed      2:47:06 4:53:58 4:52:59 
   44  13    760 We thought they said RUM 1              Female     2:22:25 4:55:20 4:54:39 
   45   1    702 4MN + 1SD                               Masters    2:25:48 4:58:25 4:57:55 
   46  29    758 Undertrained & Overrated #1             Co-Ed      2:38:25 4:59:23 4:58:34 
   47  14    737 Run Like the Winded                     Female     2:13:12 4:59:23 4:59:20 
   48  15    714 Dakota Stampeders                       Female     2:28:46 5:05:37 5:05:01 
   49  30    730 Pimp My Stride                          Co-Ed      2:39:28 5:06:40 5:06:05 
   50  31    713 Crowser Connection                      Co-Ed      2:18:14 5:07:05 5:06:45 
   51  32    743 S.W.A.T.T. - Sprinters, Walkers, And Tr Co-Ed      2:24:27 5:07:46 5:07:24 
   52  33    707 BHUC Twisted Blisters                   Co-Ed      2:33:04 5:10:03 5:09:04 
   53  16    746 SoDak Pack                              Female     2:21:29 5:09:26 5:09:22 
   54  34    759 Undertrained & Overrated #2             Co-Ed      2:31:17 5:14:33 5:13:44 
   55  17    732 RIOT                                    Female     2:44:42 5:16:10 5:15:38 
   56  18    762 We've Got the Runs                      Female     2:25:43 5:16:30 5:15:51 
   57  19    739 Runaway Moms                            Female     2:45:43 5:32:34 5:31:42 
   58  35    710 Bringin' Up the Rear                    Co-Ed      2:36:49 5:33:25 5:32:33 
   59  36    716 Deck Party                              Co-Ed      3:00:40 5:33:24 5:32:58 
   60  20    706 BHUC Rapid Gals                         Female     2:56:40 5:35:58 5:35:34 
   61  37    723 KICKING S.C.D.T.G BUTTS                 Co-Ed      2:35:32 5:44:30 5:44:10 
   62  21    722 Generations of Running                  Female     2:40:15 5:44:49 5:44:19 
   63  22    752 The Breakfast Club                      Female     2:53:50 6:11:35 6:11:17 

                                  Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon
                                         RELAY RESULTS - FEMALE
Place Team No.    Team                                    Category   13.1    Net        
===== ==== ====== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= 
    1    1    741 Running the Show                        Female     2:07:05 3:54:28 
    2    2    742 Rushmore RINOs                          Female     1:51:58 4:08:10 
    3    3    711 buns on the run                         Female     2:13:45 4:13:10 
    4    4    703 Bad River Runners                       Female     2:10:37 4:21:35 
    5    5    709 BodyByDemi                              Female     2:20:23 4:24:23 
    6    6    718 Drug Dealing Divas                      Female     2:18:11 4:27:31 
    7    7    749 Team Marcie                             Female     2:24:25 4:38:16 
    8    8    708 Blood Sweat & Beers                     Female     2:31:48 4:40:39 
    9    9    738 Runaway Mamas                           Female     2:14:53 4:42:55 
   10   10    734 Rocky Mountain Road Runners             Female     2:28:10 4:43:26 
   11   11    725 Make Running Mediocre Again!            Female     2:18:03 4:46:19 
   12   12    761 We Thought They Said Rum 2              Female     2:36:29 4:50:26 
   13   13    760 We thought they said RUM 1              Female     2:22:25 4:54:39 
   14   14    737 Run Like the Winded                     Female     2:13:12 4:59:20 
   15   15    714 Dakota Stampeders                       Female     2:28:46 5:05:01 
   16   16    746 SoDak Pack                              Female     2:21:29 5:09:22 
   17   17    732 RIOT                                    Female     2:44:42 5:15:38 
   18   18    762 We've Got the Runs                      Female     2:25:43 5:15:51 
   19   19    739 Runaway Moms                            Female     2:45:43 5:31:42 
   20   20    706 BHUC Rapid Gals                         Female     2:56:40 5:35:34 
   21   21    722 Generations of Running                  Female     2:40:15 5:44:19 
   22   22    752 The Breakfast Club                      Female     2:53:50 6:11:17 

                                                     Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon
                           RELAY RESULTS - MALE
Place Team No.    Team                                    Category   13.1    Net        
===== ==== ====== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= 
    1    1    715 Dayblazers                              Male       1:58:17 3:34:04 
    2    2    764 Wyoming Refining Company                Male       1:54:10 3:42:24 
    3    3    724 LastPlace                               Male       1:58:47 4:04:24 

                                  Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon
                                          RELAY RESULTS - CO-ED
Place Team No.    Team                                    Category   13.1    Net        
===== ==== ====== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= 
    1    1    756 The Lucky 5                             Co-Ed      1:42:47 3:15:43 
    2    2    763 Wilson 5                                Co-Ed      1:38:08 3:17:42 
    3    3    750 Team Oliver                             Co-Ed      1:43:42 3:28:33 
    4    4    766 Operating Odd Balls                     Co-Ed      1:38:55 3:31:40 
    5    5    751 Team Terk                               Co-Ed      1:53:00 3:40:26 
    6    6    728 Off In The Corner                       Co-Ed      1:55:53 3:56:32 
    7    7    705 BHSH 2Fit2Quit                          Co-Ed              3:57:10 
    8    8    735 Rogue Runners                           Co-Ed      1:42:25 4:00:13 
    9    9    726 Moran Clan                              Co-Ed      1:59:38 4:02:26 
   10   10    727 Nix Fencing                             Co-Ed      2:09:58 4:06:23 
   11   11    765 Wyoming Willies                         Co-Ed      2:16:44 4:10:13 
   12   12    733 Roadrunners                             Co-Ed      2:13:48 4:11:19 
   13   13    740 Running Rebels                          Co-Ed      2:14:29 4:12:00 
   14   14    748 Sundog Sloggers                         Co-Ed      2:10:42 4:16:22 
   15   15    717 Dig Deep, Run Hard                      Co-Ed      2:16:59 4:16:40 
   16   16    757 Tight Butts Sweaty Nuts                 Co-Ed      2:01:30 4:19:05 
   17   17    744 Slaughter house                         Co-Ed      2:11:32 4:21:05 
   18   18    729 Outrun The Ashhole                      Co-Ed      2:13:18 4:22:24 
   19   19    755 The Gimlets                             Co-Ed      2:08:50 4:23:48 
   20   20    721 Full Follies                            Co-Ed      2:11:09 4:26:26 
   21   21    754 The Geezers                             Co-Ed      2:08:47 4:27:59 
   22   22    736 Rosebud Sioux Tribe/JDC                 Co-Ed      2:16:16 4:33:13 
   23   23    720 Five Fools                              Co-Ed      2:20:58 4:34:12 
   24   24    704 Beer Gutz & Coconuts                    Co-Ed      2:15:13 4:34:26 
   25   25    712 Chafing The Dream                       Co-Ed      2:17:29 4:36:20 
   26   26    731 Reluctant Runners                       Co-Ed      2:26:53 4:44:03 
   27   27    767 Walkins' Only!                          Co-Ed      2:14:06 4:45:10 
   28   28    701 307 Not fast, Just Furious              Co-Ed      2:47:06 4:52:59 
   29   29    758 Undertrained & Overrated #1             Co-Ed      2:38:25 4:58:34 
   30   30    730 Pimp My Stride                          Co-Ed      2:39:28 5:06:05 
   31   31    713 Crowser Connection                      Co-Ed      2:18:14 5:06:45 
   32   32    743 S.W.A.T.T. - Sprinters, Walkers, And Tr Co-Ed      2:24:27 5:07:24 
   33   33    707 BHUC Twisted Blisters                   Co-Ed      2:33:04 5:09:04 
   34   34    759 Undertrained & Overrated #2             Co-Ed      2:31:17 5:13:44 
   35   35    710 Bringin' Up the Rear                    Co-Ed      2:36:49 5:32:33 
   36   36    716 Deck Party                              Co-Ed      3:00:40 5:32:58 
   37   37    723 KICKING S.C.D.T.G BUTTS                 Co-Ed      2:35:32 5:44:10 

                                  Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon
                                          RELAY RESULTS - MASTER
Place Team No.    Team                                    Category   13.1    Net        
===== ==== ====== ======================================= ========== ======= ======= 
    1    1    702 4MN + 1SD                               Masters    2:25:48 4:57:55