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2016 Run to Rescue - 1 Mile Age Groups--Text Format Results

                               Run to Rescue
                        Czechland Lake, Prague, NE
                              August 13, 2016


Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  5146 Mack Spatz              9 Prague             NE     7:58  7:58 
    2  3733 Taya Pinneo             9 Bellwood           NE     7:59  7:59 
    3  4101 Sara Schmid             9 David City         NE     8:16  8:16 
    4  3229 Camy Kocian            10 Dwight             NE     8:38  8:38 
    5  6104 Olivia Wesely           7 Wahoo              NE     9:14  9:14 
    6  3739 Lily Pokorny           10 Prague             NE     9:33  9:33 
    7  3232 Reese Kozisek          10 Brainard           NE     9:45  9:45 
    8  4000 Shelby Samek           10 Fremont            NE    10:36 10:36 
    9  3754 Elly Samek              9 Fremont            NE    10:42 10:42 
   10  3003 Lydia Donahue           6 Valparaiso         NE    11:10 11:10 
   11  2975 Erika Donahue           9 Valparaiso         NE    11:16 11:16 
   12  3220 Morgan Havlovic         9 Prague             NE    11:58 11:58 
   13  4108 Bristol Sousek          6 Prague             NE    14:32 14:32 
   14  4102 Kaitlyn Schneider       8 David City         NE    14:33 14:33 
   15  4880 Lauren Sousek          10 Malmo              NE    15:20 15:20 
   16   190 Ashlyn Brabec           6 Wahoo              NE    15:46 15:46 
   17  8093 Giselle Coakley         6 Wahoo              NE    15:47 15:47 
   18  5150 Alexis Stoltenberg      4 Omaha              NE    16:08 16:08 
   19  3722 Austyn Nordstrom        5 Wahoo              NE    17:21 17:21 
   20  8091 Olivia Pierce           7 Valparaiso         NE    17:56 17:56 
   21  3752 Lily Rich               6 Prague             NE    20:15 20:15 
   22  3238 Hannah Kulek            3 Gretna             NE    21:09 21:09 
   23  3216 Hailey Havlovic         4 Malmo              NE    21:31 21:31 
   24  3215 Alyssa Havlovic         8 Malmo              NE    21:31 21:31 

FEMALE AGE 11 - 99
Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  3228 Lauren Kavan           13 Cedar Bluffs       NE     6:47  6:47 
    2  3221 Aja Henderson          13 Wahoo              NE     9:15  9:15 
    3    95 Roxanne Bergman        15 Prague             NE     9:17  9:17 
    4  3717 Stacy Meyer            38 Omaha              NE    10:50 10:50 
    5  3219 Mikayla Havlovic       21 Prague             NE    11:28 11:28 
    6  3214 Sydney Hanke           11 Waverly            NE    13:09 13:09 
    7  4107 Leann Sillivan         35 Morse Bluff        NE    14:17 14:17 
    8   934 Becky Springer         28 Lincoln            NE    14:27 14:27 
    9  4105 Kim Schroder           29 Bennet             NE    14:28 14:28 
   10  3242 Barb Malina            65 Prague             NE    14:58 14:58 
   11  4110 Karen Sousek           53 Malmo              NE    15:20 15:20 
   12  3223 Lisa Hobbs             52 Gretna             NE    15:46 15:46 
   13  5145 Dani Spatz             30 Prague             NE    16:14 16:14 
   14  3235 Jill Kubicek           29 Lincoln            NE    16:26 16:26 
   15  2962 Terese Croghan         54 Gretna             NE    16:26 16:26 
   16  3718 Doreen Muck            54 Prague             NE    16:45 16:45 
   17  6096 Jeanne Vanek           66 Prague             NE    17:00 17:00 
   18  4104 Stacey Schnieder       42 Weston             NE    17:39 17:39 
   19  3212 Amanda Hanis           34 Prague             NE    17:39 17:39 
   20   194 Diane Brabec           61 Cedar Bluffs       NE    17:54 17:54 
   21  3723 Lacie Nordstrom        32 Wahoo              NE    18:13 18:13 
   22  3247 Shanna McDaniel        28 Morse Bluff        NE    18:25 18:25 
   23  3753 Julie Sabata           26 David City         NE    18:26 18:26 
   24  3227 Teri Johnson           41 Prague             NE    18:57 18:57 
   25  3217 Kelly Havlovic         42 Prague             NE    18:57 18:57 
   26  6105 Jennifer Wiederspan    26 Lincoln            NE    18:57 18:57 
   27   546 Michelle Brabec        32 Wahoo              NE    18:57 18:57 
   28  6101 Michele Voorhees       49 Columbus           NE    19:00 19:00 
   29  3748 Tina Rezac             38 Weston             NE    19:05 19:05 
   30  3241 Amanda Malina          36 Prague             NE    19:07 19:07 
   31  3213 Madison Hanke          16 Waverly            NE    19:07 19:07 
   32  3209 Diane Gall             48 Schuyler           NE    19:29 19:29 
   33  8092 Wendy Pierce           51 Brainard           NE    20:33 20:33 
   34  3720 Sara Musilek           27 Malmo              NE    20:33 20:33 
   35  3751 Jamie Rich             34 Prague             NE    20:47 20:47 
   36  4106 Shirley Secord         66 Omaha              NE    20:47 20:47 
   37  3721 Bev Neumann            52 La Vista           NE    20:49 20:49 
   38  3236 Carmon Kulek           44 Gretna             NE    21:08 21:08 
   39  3208 Karen Egr              47 Weston             NE    21:09 21:09 
   40  2851 Iva Carlson            65 Wahoo              NE    21:18 21:18 
   41  6099 Tracy Vermeline        38 Ceresco            NE    21:25 21:25 
   42  6094 Heather Swartz         38 Lincoln            NE    21:26 21:26 
   43  3218 Kelsi Havlovic         18 Prague             NE    21:32 21:32 
   44  1444 Dena Carlson           32 Wahoo              NE    22:22 22:22 
   45  5148 Kelly Stava            34 Wahoo              NE    22:27 22:27 
   46  3743 Christy Prohaska       52 Prague             NE    22:42 22:42 
   47  3740 Renee Polacek          53 Wahoo              NE    22:43 22:43 
   48  6097 Jen Vasa               31 Weston             NE    23:34 23:34 
   49  3211 Kendra Gomez           31 Papillion          NE    23:36 23:36 
   50  3239 Lori Kuncl             55 Prague             NE    23:36 23:36 
   51  3726 Bridget Paseka         29 Lincoln            NE    25:00 25:00 
   52  3728 Joyce Paseka           55 Prague             NE    25:00 25:00 

MALE AGE 1 - 10
Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  3741 Sam Post               10 North Bend         NE     7:20  7:20 
    2  3224 Jamison Hoffman        10 Pleasant Dale      NE     7:49  7:49 
    3  3734 Dalton Pokorney         9 Shelby             NE     7:57  7:57 
    4    24 Grant Arps              9 Linwood            NE     8:55  8:55 
    5  8095 Owen States             9 Wahoo              NE     9:11  9:11 
    6  3231 Grant Kozisek           7 Brainard           NE     9:26  9:26 
    7  3746 Evan Reynolds           7 Weston             NE     9:33  9:33 
    8  3250 Grayson Meyer           4 Omaha              NE    10:49 10:49 
    9    88 Max Arps                8 Gretna             NE    10:50 10:50 
   10  5147 Joe Stava               7 Wahoo              NE    11:25 11:25 
   11  4109 Brock Sousek            6 Prague             NE    12:02 12:02 
   12  3729 Lucas Paseka            3 Lincoln            NE    13:40 13:40 
   13  8094 Justice Brammer         5 Wahoo              NE    13:53 13:53 
   14  3244 Sawyer Malina           5 Prague             NE    14:13 14:13 
   15  3747 Chase Rezac             6 Weston             NE    16:14 16:14 
   16  4103 Noah Schneider          5 David City         NE    16:30 16:30 
   17  3248 Hudson Meiergerd        4 Wahoo              NE    19:18 19:18 
   18  3245 Hunter Maly             5 Malmo              NE    20:32 20:32 
   19  3237 Haden Kulek             7 Gretna             NE    21:08 21:08 
   20  6010 Isaac Stoltenberg       7 Omaha              NE    21:28 21:28 
   21  5149 Ryan Stava              4 Wahoo              NE    23:53 23:53 

MALE AGE 11 - 99
Place Bib   Name                  Age City               Sta Time    Pace  
===== ===== ===================== === ================== === ======= ===== 
    1  3732 Alex Pierce            12 Brainard           NE     6:27  6:27 
    2  2852 Tye Clark              11 Prague             NE     7:11  7:11 
    3  6100 Christopher Vesely     37 Ceresco            NE     7:46  7:46 
    4    92 Jackson Bergman        12 Prague             NE     8:35  8:35 
    5  5143 Nick Sousek            29 Wahoo              NE     9:20  9:20 
    6  2925 Ryan Coulson           22 Valparaiso         NE    11:17 11:17 
    7  3744 Riley Putnam           21 Prague             NE    11:28 11:28 
    8  3243 Carter Malina          12 Prague             NE    12:02 12:02 
    9   752 David Burbach          23 Lincoln            NE    12:16 12:16 
   10  3727 Eric Paseka            29 Lincoln            NE    13:46 13:46 
   11  5142 Matt Sousek            30 Prague             NE    14:17 14:17 
   12  3719 Mike Muck              53 Prague             NE    16:51 16:51 
   13    94 James Bergman          48 Prague             NE    16:53 16:53 
   14  3730 Ron Paseka             69 Prague             NE    17:45 17:45 
   15  3246 Jacob Mayer            30 Wahoo              NE    18:17 18:17 
   16   100 Bruce Bostelman        54 Brainard           NE    18:51 18:51 
   17  6102 Alan Vybiral           55 Wahoo              NE    18:52 18:52 
   18  3249 Nathan Meiergerd       33 Wahoo              NE    19:17 19:17 
   19  2965 Tyler Croghan          25 Schuyler           NE    19:29 19:29 
   20  6093 Gaylen Swartz          63 Malmo              NE    20:06 20:06 
   21  6098 Tw Vasa                31 Weston             NE    23:34 23:34 
   22  3210 Eric Gomez             30 Papillion          NE    23:37 23:37