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         The Road to Omaha ® Run presented by Northwestern Mutual
                           Sunday June 21, 2015
                                 Omaha, NE
                    USATF Certification Code: NE12002KU

                         OFFICIAL Overall Results

Place Div/Tot  Bib   Name                  City               Ag Sex Gun Tim Net Tim Pace  
===== ======== ===== ===================== ================== == === ======= ======= ===== 
    1   1/23     502 Colin Morrissey       Omaha NE           25 M     15:50   15:50  5:06 
    2   1/12     204 Tyler Knapp           Omaha NE           19 M     16:21   16:21  5:16 
    3   1/29     453 Jason Zakaras         Gretna NE          32 M     16:30   16:30  5:19 
    4   1/27     203 Joshua Klein          Omaha NE           17 M     17:20   17:20  5:35 
    5   2/12     529 Spencer Strong        Lincoln NE         23 M     17:38   17:29  5:38 
    6   2/23     166 Ryan Hruska           Lincoln NE         27 M     17:37   17:34  5:40 
    7   2/27     119 Joe Frazier           Omaha NE           16 M     17:36   17:36  5:40 
    8   3/27      59 Nick Carson           Omaha NE           16 M     17:42   17:42  5:42 
    9            553 Raceday Registration                              17:45   17:45  5:43 
   10   3/12     287 Carter Oliver         Woodbine IA        23 M     17:49   17:47  5:44 
   11   4/27      94 Andrew Dubas          Omaha NE           17 M     17:59   17:58  5:47 
   12   5/27     164 Trevor Holloway       Bellevue NE        17 M     18:09   18:09  5:51 
   13            552 Raceday Registration                              18:39   18:37  6:00 
   14   6/27     275 Tristan Nelson        Waterloo NE        18 M     18:44   18:37  6:00 
   15   7/27     494 John Lukowski         Omaha NE           17 M     18:45   18:45  6:02 
   16   8/27     432 Liam Keating          Omaha NE           16 M     19:12   19:12  6:11 
   17            551 Raceday Registration                              19:16   19:13  6:11 
   18   1/15     161 Bob Hiser             Bellevue NE        50 M     19:23   19:19  6:13 
   19   9/27     143 Nathan Grier          Omaha NE           17 M     19:21   19:21  6:14 
   20   1/25     217 Maureen Larsen        Gretna NE          43 F     19:27   19:25  6:15 
   21   1/23     342 Taylor Somers         Omaha NE           16 F     19:34   19:33  6:18 
   22   1/22     336 Stacy Shaw            Omaha NE           49 F     19:36   19:34  6:18 
   23   1/31     191 Edward Kalick         Council Bluffs IA  41 M     19:57   19:44  6:21 
   24   2/31     195 Jason Keese           Lincoln NE         40 M     19:47   19:44  6:21 
   25   3/23     500 Thomas Maybury        Council Bluffs IA  26 M     19:53   19:46  6:22 
   26  10/27     176 John Irwin            Omaha NE           16 M     19:50   19:50  6:23 
   27   2/29     225 Brian Lodes           Papillion NE       34 M     20:08   19:52  6:24 
   28   1/27     334 Greg Shafer           Omaha NE           46 M     19:59   19:55  6:25 
   29  11/27     510 Jacob Ramaekers       Elkhorn NE         17 M     20:07   20:00  6:26 
   30   1/27     207 Daren Konda           Omaha NE           39 M     21:09   20:07  6:29 
   31   2/27      49 Kevin Brown           Bellevue NE        39 M     20:22   20:13  6:31 
   32   2/27     141 Brian Grier           Omaha NE           49 M     20:20   20:16  6:32 
   33   3/27     205 Nathan Knudson        Papillion NE       39 M     20:21   20:17  6:32 
   34            550 Raceday Registration                              20:27   20:21  6:33 
   35   3/27     123 Dan Fucinaro          Ralston NE         48 M     20:23   20:21  6:33 
   36  12/27     341 Derrick Sleeper       Omaha NE           18 M     20:34   20:22  6:34 
   37   2/15     213 Ronald Lampe          Omaha NE           53 M     20:29   20:24  6:34 
   38   3/29     420 Brian Detweiler       Omaha NE           32 M     20:37   20:30  6:36 
   39   4/23      42 Brock Booker          Burr Ridge IL      26 M     20:39   20:37  6:38 
   40   2/23     430 Kaitlynn Johnson      Omaha NE           16 F     20:47   20:40  6:40 
   41   4/27     180 Mark Jacobs           Omaha NE           36 M     20:59   20:43  6:40 
   42   5/27     366 Tin Tran              Omaha NE           38 M     21:04   20:50  6:43 
   43   1/18     534 Meg Thacker           Omaha NE           21 F     21:11   20:59  6:46 
   44   5/23     296 Alexander Ozenberger  Denver CO          29 M     21:29   21:25  6:54 
   45            572 Raceday Registration                              22:04   21:30  6:55 
   46   1/21     167 Kristen Humphrey      Omaha NE           25 F     21:42   21:30  6:55 
   47   4/29     506 Alex Oliver           Oakland IA         30 M     22:02   21:35  6:57 
   48   4/12     523 Patrick Shatkus       Ardmore PA         24 M     22:00   21:42  7:00 
   49   3/23     437 Camryn Larsen         Omaha NE           16 F     22:56   21:48  7:01 
   50   1/9      343 Lou Soukup            Beaver Lake NE     63 M     21:53   21:48  7:01 
   51   1/18     463 Roxi Erickson Olsen   South Sioux City N 51 F     21:51   21:50  7:02 
   52   2/9      316 Clete Roth            Omaha NE           61 M     22:00   21:54  7:03 
   53   5/29     125 Julio Garcia          Omaha NE           31 M     23:52   21:54  7:03 
   54  13/27     332 Kyle Sedlacek         Omaha NE           15 M     22:15   21:55  7:03 
   55   1/31      51 Michelle Brown        Bellevue NE        35 F     22:15   22:05  7:07 
   56   6/29       1 Anthony Russo         Dallas TX          32 M     22:55   22:08  7:08 
   57   6/23     405 Ryan Wlliams          Hastings NE        27 M     22:36   22:10  7:09 
   58            549 Raceday Registration                              23:34   22:11  7:09 
   59   1/31     440 Sarah Neubert         Omaha NE           34 F     22:24   22:15  7:10 
   60   2/21     477 Kaitlin Crowley       Council Bluffs IA  25 F     22:26   22:20  7:11 
   61            586 Raceday Registration                              22:50   22:22  7:12 
   62   1/12     169 James Hunter          Council Bluffs IA  56 M     22:34   22:25  7:13 
   63   3/31     256 David Mills           Omaha NE           40 M     24:28   22:33  7:16 
   64   2/31     306 Joy Recoy             Bellevue NE        38 F     22:44   22:34  7:16 
   65   7/29     472 Nate Birtwell         Nashville TN       34 M     22:45   22:35  7:16 
   66   2/12     406 Tom Wolfe             Omaha NE           57 M     23:00   22:45  7:20 
   67   6/27     187 Tommy Jelinek         Omaha NE           36 M     22:59   22:46  7:20 
   68   8/29     144 Kyle Griffith         Omaha NE           31 M     22:55   22:48  7:21 
   69   4/31     186 Aaron Janssen         Omaha NE           42 M     23:01   22:49  7:21 
   70  14/27     426 Carson Goodell        Albert Lea MN      14 M     24:04   22:52  7:22 
   71   7/27     154 John Heine            Omaha NE           35 M     23:15   23:00  7:24 
   72  15/27      95 Nathan Dukart         Omaha NE           15 M     23:12   23:05  7:26 
   73   8/27     493 Damani Leech          Indianapolis IN    39 M     23:35   23:08  7:27 
   74   2/31      70 Jessica Clem          Omaha NE           31 F     23:14   23:09  7:27 
   75  16/27     325 Cj Schechinger        Harlan IA          15 M     23:58   23:10  7:28 
   76   7/23     460 Joe Sloger III        Omaha NE           27 M     23:21   23:10  7:28 
   77   2/18     497 Rachel Lukowski       Omaha NE           21 F     23:34   23:15  7:29 
   78  17/27     323 Alex Schechinger      Harlan IA          13 M     24:07   23:20  7:31 
   79   8/23     475 Justin Crouch         Valley NE          27 M     23:32   23:26  7:33 
   80   1/19      82 Kaylie Crews          Papillion NE       12 F     23:43   23:31  7:35 
   81   3/18      64 Bianca Christensen    Omaha NE           23 F     23:49   23:36  7:36 
   82  18/27     163 Andrew Holloway       Bellevue NE        13 M     23:37   23:36  7:36 
   83   9/27     311 Tyson Reimers         Cumming GA         35 M     23:42   23:39  7:37 
   84   4/23     133 Allison Goos          Columbus NE        17 F     25:10   23:42  7:38 
   85   5/31      55 Kevin Capece          Omaha NE           40 M     25:40   23:45  7:39 
   86   3/21     211 Kristin Kyros         Omaha NE           28 F     24:06   23:51  7:41 
   87   4/21     511 Laura Rasmussen       Dallas TX          26 F     24:11   23:53  7:41 
   88            567 Raceday Registration                              24:00   23:53  7:42 
   89   4/27     473 Randy Buhr            Fishers IN         46 M     24:27   23:58  7:43 
   90   4/18     274 Kate Nelson           Omaha NE           22 F     24:04   24:00  7:44 
   91   5/27      37 Bobby Boham           Evans GA           49 M     24:40   24:06  7:46 
   92   3/31     337 Valerie Shaw          Omaha NE           30 F     25:09   24:07  7:46 
   93   9/23     344 Thomas Spellman       Omaha NE           27 M     24:35   24:09  7:47 
   94   6/27     330 Mark Schuldt          Papillion NE       46 M     24:30   24:10  7:47 
   95            565 Raceday Registration                              24:45   24:12  7:48 
   96  19/27     414 Isaac Archuleta       Brainard NE        16 M     25:24   24:14  7:48 
   97   6/31     350 Steve Steinbruck      Omaha NE           40 M     25:38   24:21  7:51 
   98   2/25     480 Nicole Fox            Omaha NE           40 F     24:47   24:24  7:51 
   99   1/34     425 Austin Goetsche       Omaha NE           12 M     24:29   24:24  7:52 
  100   9/29     390 Cody Wallesen         Elkhorn NE         31 M     26:40   24:32  7:54 
  101   5/23     261 MacIe Moore           Elkhorn NE         16 F     25:45   24:36  7:55 
  102   7/27     216 Kevin Langford        Omaha NE           46 M     26:20   24:37  7:56 
  103   6/23     262 MacKenzie Moore       Elkhorn NE         18 F     25:49   24:39  7:57 
  104            558 Raceday Registration                              26:27   24:40  7:57 
  105  10/23     530 Brad Sugden           Omaha NE           26 M     24:55   24:42  7:57 
  106   3/31     295 Danielle Ostronic     Omaha NE           39 F     25:07   24:50  8:00 
  107  10/29     447 Jacob Ryan            Omaha NE           34 M     26:32   24:53  8:01 
  108  11/23     499 Andrew Mantzaris      Omaha NE           26 M     25:05   24:54  8:01 
  109  20/27     172 Nicholas Hyland       Bellevue NE        17 M     25:03   24:54  8:01 
  110   4/31     441 Julie Peterson        Omaha NE           38 F     26:58   25:02  8:04 
  111   2/34     442 Teddy Peterson        Omaha NE           10 M     26:58   25:02  8:04 
  112  11/29      87 Colin Curry           Papillion NE       31 M     25:27   25:04  8:05 
  113   7/31      62 Raj Chanolian         Omaha NE           43 M     25:12   25:05  8:05 
  114   5/31     413 Sue Aliano            Omaha NE           38 F     25:13   25:07  8:05 
  115   3/15     168 Michael Humphrey      Bellevue NE        54 M     25:42   25:11  8:07 
  116  12/29     542 John Toffey           Barnstable MA      32 M     25:32   25:12  8:07 
  117   2/22      81 Kathy Crews           Papillion NE       45 F     25:27   25:13  8:07 
  118            560 Raceday Registration                              26:58   25:13  8:07 
  119            554 Raceday Registration                              25:32   25:20  8:10 
  120  10/27     253 Michael Militti       Omaha NE           35 M     27:14   25:20  8:10 
  121  13/29      54 Andrew Bunton         Omaha NE           30 M     25:50   25:30  8:13 
  122   3/25     528 Cheri Snider          Murfreesboro TN    44 F     25:56   25:37  8:15 
  123   5/18     400 Jamie Williams        Omaha NE           21 F     26:06   25:38  8:15 
  124   8/31     354 Jason Sullivan        Elkhorn NE         42 M     27:19   25:48  8:19 
  125   5/12     485 Tyler Harrison        Ancaster           22 M     26:14   25:56  8:21 
  126  12/23     492 Taylor Larson         Brooklyn NY        26 M     27:22   25:56  8:21 
  127   9/31     498 Chris Malmberg        Omaha NE           40 M     26:10   25:57  8:21 
  128            555 Raceday Registration                              27:43   26:00  8:23 
  129   6/18     408 Logan Wright          Council Bluffs IA  20 F     27:19   26:01  8:23 
  130   4/15     264 Brian Moran           Maple Grove MN     50 M     27:27   26:01  8:23 
  131   5/21     285 Stacey Nygaard        Papillion NE       26 F     26:29   26:03  8:23 
  132  10/31      45 Lewis Bozard          Kennesaw GA        44 M     26:15   26:04  8:24 
  133  21/27     333 Arlo Selix            Omaha NE           18 M     26:17   26:05  8:24 
  134            566 Raceday Registration                              27:54   26:07  8:25 
  135   1/14     401 Jan Williams          Hastings NE        56 F     26:37   26:09  8:25 
  136   4/25     192 Jeremy Kaliff         Omaha NE           41 F     26:36   26:12  8:26 
  137   5/25     300 Jenner Poppe          Papillion NE       40 F     26:53   26:15  8:27 
  138   6/31     324 Amberley Schechinger  Harlan IA          39 F     27:04   26:15  8:27 
  139   6/21     469 Sarah Basile          North Granby CT    26 F     26:26   26:18  8:28 
  140  11/31      41 Greg Bolton           Elkhorn NE         40 M     27:51   26:23  8:30 
  141            587 Raceday Registration                              26:56   26:26  8:31 
  142  12/31     362 Greg Tiemann          Omaha NE           44 M     26:44   26:27  8:31 
  143   3/34     183 Jonathan Jaixen       Omaha NE            9 M     26:54   26:31  8:32 
  144   4/34     402 Lachlan Wilmers       Omaha NE           10 M     28:29   26:33  8:33 
  145   8/27     170 Brian Hyland          Bellevue NE        48 M     26:46   26:36  8:34 
  146   7/21      17 Sara Allen            Omaha NE           25 F     27:04   26:37  8:34 
  147   5/34     518 Presden Sanchez       Omaha NE            9 M     27:13   26:37  8:34 
  148   9/27     184 Lyle Jaixen           Omaha NE           46 M     27:01   26:38  8:35 
  149   7/23      93 Brooke Doyle          Imogene IA         17 F     26:49   26:39  8:35 
  150   8/23     439 Erica Munsinger       Shenandoah IA      18 F     26:49   26:39  8:35 
  151  11/27     175 Jason Irwin           Omaha NE           36 M     27:02   26:39  8:35 
  152   6/34     177 Kyle Irwin            Omaha NE            7 M     27:01   26:40  8:35 
  153   1/5       13 Anne Aiello           Omaha NE           60 F     27:07   26:40  8:35 
  154   1/3      464 Ron Olsen             South Sioux City N 68 M     26:46   26:41  8:36 
  155   8/21     105 Michelle Falbo        Omaha NE           29 F     27:13   26:46  8:37 
  156   6/25     403 Michelle Wilmers      Omaha NE           40 F     28:46   26:49  8:38 
  157   9/21     391 Mallory Wallesen      Elkhorn NE         27 F     28:56   26:49  8:38 
  158  10/27     438 Rod Larsen            Omaha NE           46 M     27:58   26:50  8:38 
  159  13/31     268 Brian Murray          Omaha NE           41 M     27:12   26:51  8:39 
  160   2/14      63 Atsuko Christensen    Omaha NE           58 F     27:06   26:53  8:39 
  161            573 Raceday Registration                              28:35   26:53  8:40 
  162  14/31     418 Billy Brown           Council Bluffs IA  41 M     27:08   26:55  8:40 
  163  12/27     298 James Pfahl           Elkhorn NE         37 M     28:12   26:55  8:40 
  164  10/21     221 Sarah Lichty          Omaha NE           26 F     27:10   26:56  8:41 
  165  11/27     153 Mark Harris           Council Bluffs IA  48 M     27:25   27:01  8:42 
  166   7/34     319 Carson Sansenbach     Cedar Rapids IA    11 M     27:03   27:01  8:42 
  167   7/25     505 Penny North           Omaha NE           44 F     27:36   27:03  8:43 
  168  13/23     104 David Evans           Papillion NE       29 M     27:34   27:05  8:43 
  169  12/27     126 Dennis Garrett        Blair NE           45 M     28:08   27:05  8:43 
  170   7/18     127 Kate Garrett          Blair NE           19 F     28:08   27:05  8:44 
  171  14/23     122 Evan Freyermuth       Omaha NE           26 M     27:36   27:06  8:44 
  172  11/21     284 Amber Nouzovsky       Omaha NE           25 F     27:42   27:09  8:45 
  173   4/31     581 Laura Tworek          Omaha NE           32 F     27:30   27:15  8:47 
  174   9/23     435 Cassidy Kruse         Omaha AZ           14 F     28:00   27:18  8:47 
  175   5/31     474 Emily Burgess         Omaha NE           32 F     28:30   27:20  8:48 
  176  14/29     196 Jason Kelly           Elkhorn NE         34 M     28:52   27:21  8:48 
  177   5/15      67 John Clark            Council Bluffs IA  50 M     29:15   27:22  8:49 
  178   1/6       88 Roger Curry           Papillion NE       70 M     27:48   27:24  8:49 
  179   3/9      145 Tom Guck              Omaha NE           63 M     27:45   27:24  8:50 
  180            584 Raceday Registration                              29:15   27:27  8:50 
  181   2/18     197 Laurie Kelly          Omaha NE           52 F     27:41   27:27  8:50 
  182   2/3      212 Randy Lagrone         Omaha NE           65 M     27:49   27:28  8:51 
  183   3/22     146 Kara Hagen            Omaha NE           47 F     28:39   27:29  8:51 
  184  15/31      58 Scott Carmichael      Omaha NE           43 M     28:39   27:29  8:51 
  185            562 Raceday Registration                              29:13   27:29  8:51 
  186   7/31     384 Tiffany Vokt          Council Bluffs IA  35 F     27:46   27:34  8:53 
  187  13/27     383 Christopher Vokt      Council Bluffs IA  36 M     27:46   27:34  8:53 
  188   8/34     416 Jordan Beardsley      Lavista NE         12 M     27:49   27:38  8:54 
  189  14/27     246 Matt Mendlick         Omaha NE           39 M     27:43   27:39  8:54 
  190   2/19     266 Kara Muller           Bellevue NE         9 F     27:51   27:40  8:55 
  191   8/31     267 Raegan Muller         Bellevue NE        38 F     27:55   27:44  8:56 
  192  15/23     385 Benjamin Wademan      Omaha NE           26 M     29:49   27:44  8:56 
  193   9/34     247 Ryan Mendlick         Omaha NE            7 M     27:48   27:45  8:56 
  194  16/23     329 John Schreier         Council Bluffs IA  25 M     29:52   27:47  8:57 
  195   2/6      220 Jack Lewis            Papillion NE       76 M     29:26   27:58  9:00 
  196  15/27     317 Austin Rowser         Omaha NE           36 M     29:59   28:01  9:01 
  197  13/27     504 Brady Nehf            Arlington Hts IL   46 M     29:18   28:07  9:03 
  198  14/27     321 David Sater           Omaha NE           46 M     28:34   28:12  9:05 
  199   4/9      214 Skip Landerman        Killeen TX         64 M     29:30   28:17  9:06 
  200  15/29     124 Patrick Galuski       Omaha NE           31 M     30:08   28:20  9:08 
  201   6/31     462 Miriam Zambrano       Omaha NE           32 F     30:27   28:23  9:08 
  202   3/18     263 Barbara Moran         Maple Grove MN     50 F     29:50   28:24  9:09 
  203  16/27     461 Jose Zambrano         Omaha NE           36 M     30:27   28:24  9:09 
  204  16/31     382 Michael Vlademar      Belleville MI      43 M     29:04   28:25  9:09 
  205  17/31     101 John Engel            Omaha NE           44 M     29:43   28:26  9:09 
  206  17/23     270 Colin Myers           Omaha NE           26 M     28:49   28:26  9:10 
  207  18/31     318 Greg Ryan             Omaha NE           40 M     30:13   28:33  9:12 
  208  15/27     158 Chad Himmelberg       Omaha NE           49 M     30:10   28:35  9:12 
  209   4/22      60 Melissa Chadwell      Elkhorn NE         47 F     28:57   28:36  9:13 
  210  10/34     380 Mason Vlademar        Belleville MI       9 M     29:19   28:40  9:14 
  211   3/12     486 Donald Hotz           Papillion NE       59 M     30:22   28:40  9:14 
  212  10/23     381 Matyson Vlademar      Belleville MI      14 F     28:55   28:50  9:17 
  213  11/23     208 Libby Koukol          Omaha NE           18 F     30:08   28:51  9:17 
  214  17/27     320 Steve Sansenbach      Cedar Rapids IA    39 M     28:55   28:52  9:18 
  215   9/31      21 Lindy Andersen        Omaha NE           37 F     29:17   28:54  9:19 
  216   7/31      32 Jessica Berets        Omaha NE           34 F     29:18   28:55  9:19 
  217   5/22     215 April Langford        Omaha NE           47 F     30:26   28:56  9:19 
  218  22/27      29 Luke Baker            Omaha NE           14 M     29:10   29:03  9:21 
  219   8/31     206 Jaime Kobs            Omaha NE           30 F     30:05   29:03  9:21 
  220  11/34     278 Caden Nice            Omaha NE           11 M     30:08   29:06  9:22 
  221   8/25     326 Annette Schmidt       Omaha NE           41 F     30:58   29:06  9:22 
  222  16/27      25 Kevin Axelson         Omaha NE           48 M     30:40   29:12  9:24 
  223            570 Raceday Registration                              30:11   29:15  9:25 
  224  16/29     515 Michael Sanchez       Omaha NE           32 M     29:54   29:19  9:26 
  225   9/31     340 Sarah Skolness        Omaha NE           32 F     29:31   29:21  9:27 
  226  17/27      28 Gary Baker            Omaha NE           45 M     29:30   29:24  9:28 
  227  12/34     470 Owen Birk             Omaha NE            9 M     30:57   29:24  9:28 
  228  18/23     307 Vikas Reddy           Bolingbrook IL     26 M     29:26   29:25  9:28 
  229  18/27     471 Todd Birk             Omaha NE           39 M     30:58   29:25  9:29 
  230  13/34      74 Ethan Coleman         Plattsmouth NE     11 M     30:04   29:26  9:29 
  231  10/31      75 Sandy Coleman         Plattsmouth NE     34 F     30:04   29:27  9:29 
  232   9/25     488 Stephanie Klement     Council Bluffs IA  42 F     30:37   29:28  9:29 
  233   4/12     357 Alan Thelen           Omaha NE           55 M     30:17   29:28  9:30 
  234  23/27     508 Logan Palumbo         Papillion NE       16 M     31:27   29:32  9:31 
  235  17/29     580 Ben Tworek            Omaha NE           32 M     29:47   29:33  9:31 
  236  19/31     507 Chris Palumbo         Papillion NE       42 M     31:28   29:34  9:31 
  237   6/15     230 Michael Lucier        Bellevue NE        50 M     30:08   29:36  9:32 
  238            579 Raceday Registration                              29:59   29:41  9:34 
  239            577 Raceday Registration                              29:59   29:41  9:34 
  240  11/31     103 Amy Evans             Papillion NE       30 F     30:13   29:44  9:34 
  241            585 Raceday Registration                              31:16   29:46  9:35 
  242   8/18     131 Jensen Goodell        Albert Lea MN      20 F     31:00   29:49  9:36 
  243   5/12     148 Howard Hague          Papillion NE       56 M     30:15   29:50  9:37 
  244   7/15      83 Jim Crouch            Omaha NE           51 M     29:57   29:52  9:37 
  245  19/23     465 William Cody          Omaha NE           29 M     31:43   29:54  9:38 
  246  12/23      53 Kaylee Bunner         Omaha NE           18 F     31:16   29:56  9:38 
  247  14/34     436 Lane Kruse            Omaha AZ           10 M     30:42   29:59  9:40 
  248  15/34     181 Logan Jacobson        Omaha NE            8 M     30:43   30:05  9:41 
  249  20/31     396 Brad Wendel           Omaha NE           41 M     31:13   30:16  9:45 
  250   6/12     299 Jimmy Pfahl           Omaha NE           57 M     31:34   30:19  9:46 
  251  18/29     452 Sreekar Vanguru       Omaha NE           30 M     30:33   30:25  9:48 
  252   4/18     476 Lynda Crouch          Valley NE          50 F     31:07   30:28  9:49 
  253  10/31     182 Stephanie Jacobson    Omaha NE           38 F     31:07   30:29  9:49 
  254   6/12     107 Adam Fangman          Elkhorn NE         22 M     31:50   30:30  9:49 
  255  18/27     459 Tyler Lemke           Omaha NE           48 M     30:50   30:30  9:49 
  256  19/29     290 Thomas O'Rear         Elkhorn NE         32 M     31:43   30:30  9:49 
  257   3/14     110 Julie Feilner         Omaha NE           55 F     31:15   30:32  9:50 
  258  10/25     185 Michele Jaixen        Omaha NE           42 F     30:59   30:36  9:51 
  259  13/23     526 Bella Siciunas        Omaha NE           18 F     31:54   30:37  9:52 
  260  20/23      12 Nick Ahl              Omaha NE           28 M     32:21   30:40  9:52 
  261  11/31     392 Desiree Walsh Spencer Papillion NE       36 F     30:50   30:40  9:53 
  262  14/23      76 Cecelia Coniglio      Omaha NE           15 F     32:34   30:42  9:53 
  263  15/23      27 Kaylee Bahun          Omaha NE           17 F     32:00   30:43  9:54 
  264  12/31      78 Lindsay Cosimano      Omaha NE           38 F     32:36   30:44  9:54 
  265            561 Raceday Registration                              32:33   30:46  9:55 
  266   7/12     503 Andrew Muhle          Columbus NE        24 M     32:41   30:50  9:56 
  267  24/27     279 Cole Niebur           Omaha NE           13 M     31:13   30:52  9:57 
  268  12/21     269 Jessica Murray        Omaha NE           27 F     31:20   30:53  9:57 
  269  16/34     283 Ty Nietfeldt          Elkhorn NE          8 M     32:54   30:54  9:57 
  270  13/31     450 Jessica Underwood     Coralville IA      35 F     31:25   30:55  9:57 
  271   4/14     359 Marcia Thiele         Omaha NE           56 F     31:40   30:59  9:59 
  272            582 Raceday Registration                              32:27   31:09 10:02 
  273  19/27     281 Ryan Nietfeldt        Elkhorn NE         39 M     33:18   31:15 10:04 
  274   5/18      72 Cathy Cole            Plattsmouth NE     54 F     31:42   31:16 10:04 
  275  12/31     501 Nichole McGarvey      Lavista NE         34 F     31:39   31:16 10:04 
  276   5/9       73 Steve Cole            Plattsmouth NE     60 M     31:43   31:17 10:05 
  277   6/18     541 Deborah Toffey        Barnstable MA      53 F     31:37   31:17 10:05 
  278  17/34     280 Andrew Nietfeldt      Elkhorn NE          7 M     33:18   31:17 10:05 
  279  18/34     249 Grant Meyer           Omaha NE            9 M     32:02   31:18 10:05 
  280   8/15     331 John Sedlacek         Omaha NE           51 M     31:40   31:18 10:05 
  281   3/19     250 Madison Meyer         Omaha NE           11 F     32:05   31:20 10:05 
  282  16/23     393 Ellie Watkins         Omaha NE           18 F     32:43   31:22 10:06 
  283  20/27     251 Matt Meyer            Omaha NE           38 M     32:07   31:22 10:06 
  284   2/5      149 Vicki Hall            Bellevue NE        61 F     32:57   31:25 10:07 
  285  13/21     301 Leslie Posten         Burr Ridge IL      25 F     32:46   31:27 10:08 
  286  21/31     346 Doug Stave            Omaha NE           42 M     32:52   31:29 10:08 
  287  11/25     152 Erika Harris          Council Bluffs IA  41 F     31:53   31:29 10:08 
  288   6/9      140 Tom Gray              Brooksville FL     62 M     32:45   31:32 10:09 
  289  14/31     190 Heather Kaiser        Bellevue NE        36 F     33:04   31:33 10:10 
  290  22/31     509 Dan Prugger           Omaha NE           43 M     33:43   31:35 10:10 
  291   9/18     271 Dani Nanfito          Omaha NE           24 F     31:59   31:40 10:12 
  292  19/34      79 Bo Crews              Papillion NE       10 M     32:08   31:41 10:12 
  293            574 Raceday Registration                              33:36   31:41 10:12 
  294            576 Raceday Registration                              32:48   31:44 10:13 
  295  20/34      22 Aidan Anderson        Omaha NE            9 M     32:48   31:44 10:13 
  296  19/27      80 Dennis Crews          Papillion NE       48 M     32:12   31:44 10:13 
  297   6/22      19 Renate Alumbaugh      Papillion NE       45 F     32:10   31:48 10:14 
  298  12/25     218 Tara Latschar         Papillion NE       40 F     32:37   31:51 10:15 
  299  15/31      24 Angela Austin         Papillion NE       38 F     32:37   31:51 10:15 
  300  25/27     539 Griffin Tobey         Louisville CO      16 M     32:08   31:52 10:16 
  301  21/27     547 Jason Weaver          Omaha NE           35 M     32:34   31:52 10:16 
  302   7/22     352 Krista Stroup         Bellevue NE        49 F     33:06   31:52 10:16 
  303   8/22      20 Amy Amua-Sekyi        Bellevue NE        45 F     33:06   31:53 10:16 
  304  13/31     537 Melissa Tibbits       Omaha NE           33 F     32:34   31:53 10:16 
  305  17/23     102 Kaitlyn Engel         Omaha NE           13 F     33:08   31:53 10:16 
  306   4/19     100 Emily Engel           Omaha NE           11 F     33:10   31:56 10:17 
  307  10/18     234 Paige Maass           Omaha NE           19 F     31:56   31:56 10:17 
  308   9/22     142 Candace Grier         Omaha NE           49 F     32:38   31:59 10:18 
  309  20/29     409 Dan Wymore            Council Bluffs IA  32 M     32:38   32:06 10:20 
  310  21/29      90 Kevin Deao            Kansas City MO     30 M     34:04   32:07 10:21 
  311  21/23      91 Patrick Deao          Nevada MO          26 M     34:07   32:10 10:22 
  312  13/25     282 Toni Nietfeldt        Elkhorn NE         41 F     34:12   32:10 10:22 
  313  14/25     304 Christine Rahn        Cary NC            41 F     33:47   32:11 10:22 
  314  14/31     260 Erin Mohring          Omaha NE           34 F     33:24   32:11 10:22 
  315  16/31     162 Marie Hoenig          Omaha NE           35 F     33:24   32:12 10:22 
  316  11/18     286 Kaitlyn Olberding     Omaha NE           22 F     32:51   32:17 10:24 
  317  12/18     151 Linnea Hardin         Omaha NE           22 F     32:51   32:18 10:24 
  318   7/9      222 Thomas Lightner       Lehigh Acres FL    60 M     32:25   32:22 10:25 
  319   7/12      96 Randy Eardensohn      Omaha NE           55 M     33:44   32:29 10:28 
  320   7/18      97 Renee Eardensohn      Omaha NE           51 F     33:45   32:30 10:28 
  321  21/34     538 Caden Tobey           Louisville CO      12 M     32:48   32:32 10:29 
  322   5/14     160 Sally Hirschberg      Omaha NE           59 F     32:49   32:32 10:29 
  323  23/31     540 John Tobey            Louisville CO      43 M     32:49   32:33 10:29 
  324  14/21     458 Dimitra Triantafilou  Omaha NE           28 F     33:39   32:45 10:33 
  325  20/27      86 Timothy Curran        Omaha NE           46 M     33:46   32:45 10:33 
  326  21/27     235 Paul Maass            Omaha NE           49 M     32:49   32:49 10:34 
  327  15/31     415 Alison Beardsley      Lavista NE         32 F     33:03   32:52 10:35 
  328  24/31     429 Byron Johnson         Omaha NE           43 M     33:01   32:53 10:35 
  329   9/15     495 Mark Lukowski         Omaha NE           54 M     33:25   32:55 10:36 
  330   8/9      410 Jeff Wymore           Council Bluffs IA  61 M     33:26   32:55 10:36 
  331  16/31     297 Maggie Paulson        Elkhorn NE         30 F     34:37   32:56 10:36 
  332  17/31     312 Paula Renner          Omaha NE           34 F     34:39   32:58 10:37 
  333   3/6       99 Montie Edwards        Utica KY           70 M     33:40   33:05 10:39 
  334  10/22      85 Margie Curran         Omaha NE           47 F     34:08   33:08 10:40 
  335   9/9      223 Robert Ligon          Bellevue NE        62 M     35:08   33:08 10:40 
  336  10/15      56 Darren Carlson        Omaha NE           53 M     33:27   33:11 10:41 
  337   8/18     302 Karen Prince          Omaha NE           51 F     35:08   33:20 10:44 
  338  11/22      52 Hollis Buffkins       Omaha NE           48 F     35:09   33:21 10:44 
  339  17/31     364 Christine Tran        Omaha NE           37 F     35:04   33:25 10:46 
  340  22/34     347 Jake Stave            Omaha NE           12 M     34:57   33:34 10:49 
  341  18/23     356 Miranda Thacker       Omaha NE           18 F     33:55   33:37 10:49 
  342  12/22     237 Melody Macek          Blair NE           45 F     34:39   33:37 10:50 
  343  13/22     335 Shelley Shafer        Omaha NE           45 F     35:27   33:37 10:50 
  344  26/27     361 Lincoln Thomas        Omaha NE           15 M     33:53   33:38 10:50 
  345  19/23     128 Abby Geise            Omaha NE           15 F     33:57   33:39 10:50 
  346  25/31     370 Steven Twohig         Elkhorn NE         43 M     35:50   33:47 10:53 
  347  14/22     360 Donelle Thomas        Omaha NE           49 F     34:06   33:51 10:54 
  348  23/34     367 Beau Twohig           Elkhorn NE          8 M     35:50   33:51 10:54 
  349  15/22     484 Carol Gupton          Carter Lake IA     49 F     34:40   34:05 10:59 
  350   4/6      449 Bill Servais          Omaha NE           73 M     34:31   34:06 10:59 
  351   3/3      231 Richard Lundquist     Omaha NE           69 M     34:37   34:09 11:00 
  352  22/29     525 Toby Shinaut          Omaha NE           33 M     34:11   34:11 11:00 
  353  23/29     545 Odell Ware            Baton Rouge LA     33 M     35:12   34:12 11:01 
  354  26/31      18 Jerry Alumbaugh       Papillion NE       44 M     34:43   34:19 11:03 
  355  22/27     115 Tony Ferguson         Elkhorn NE         36 M     34:21   34:21 11:04 
  356  18/31     514 Amy Ryan              Omaha NE           34 F     36:04   34:25 11:05 
  357  15/21     512 Courtney Reefer       Sharpsville PA     25 F     35:47   34:45 11:11 
  358  24/29     434 Nate Krug             Central City NE    32 M     35:30   34:49 11:13 
  359  23/27     448 Curtis Self           Omaha NE           37 M     35:30   34:49 11:13 
  360  19/31     120 Jamie Frederick       Omaha NE           33 F     36:49   34:52 11:14 
  361  22/27     431 Kyle Johnson          Chandler AZ        45 M     35:43   35:00 11:16 
  362   6/14      89 Ellen Deao            Omaha NE           56 F     36:57   35:01 11:17 
  363   9/18     159 Layna Himmelberg      Omaha NE           50 F     36:37   35:02 11:17 
  364   3/5      411 Julie Wymore          Council Bluffs IA  60 F     35:34   35:04 11:17 
  365   8/12     467 Cody Albrecht         Omaha NE           24 M     36:17   35:06 11:18 
  366  13/18     468 Lacy Albrecht         Omaha NE           24 F     36:20   35:08 11:19 
  367  20/31     478 Jennifer Diaz         Omaha NE           31 F     35:54   35:18 11:22 
  368  24/34     517 Myles Sanchez         Omaha NE            6 M     35:54   35:19 11:22 
  369  21/31     424 Rejina Gobel          Omaha NE           34 F     36:32   35:20 11:23 
  370            563 Raceday Registration                              37:19   35:32 11:27 
  371  20/23     378 Alexis Vlademar       Belleville MI      16 F     36:07   35:35 11:28 
  372   9/12     407 Jake Wright           Council Bluffs IA  20 M     37:06   35:47 11:32 
  373  14/18      66 Brooklynn Clark       Council Bluffs IA  22 F     37:46   35:53 11:33 
  374  10/18      57 Tammy Carlson         Omaha NE           51 F     36:13   35:55 11:34 
  375  25/29     394 Jeff Wedel            Omaha NE           34 M     36:52   36:03 11:36 
  376  15/25     339 Tracy Simmerman       Plattsmouth NE     43 F     37:36   36:10 11:39 
  377  11/18     496 Paula Lukowski        Omaha NE           54 F     36:42   36:11 11:39 
  378  22/31     395 Kerry Wedel           Omaha NE           33 F     37:06   36:17 11:41 
  379  16/21     399 Brittney Williams     Omaha NE           28 F     38:07   36:20 11:42 
  380  23/31      14 Rebecca Albright      Omaha NE           34 F     37:27   36:22 11:43 
  381  17/21     376 Laura Vinson          Omaha NE           27 F     36:49   36:23 11:43 
  382  22/23     377 Shawn Vinson          Omaha NE           27 M     36:49   36:23 11:43 
  383  16/22      69 Stacy Clark           Council Bluffs IA  46 F     38:19   36:26 11:44 
  384            590 Raceday Registration                              36:46   36:29 11:45 
  385  25/34     374 Roch Vigneri          Elkhorn NE          7 M     37:47   36:43 11:49 
  386  24/27     375 Vince Vigneri         Elkhorn NE         39 M     37:47   36:43 11:49 
  387  25/27      34 Joe Bezousek          Omaha NE           36 M     37:46   36:52 11:52 
  388  18/31      33 Becky Bezousek        Omaha NE           35 F     37:47   36:54 11:53 
  389  17/22     171 Melody Hyland         Bellevue NE        47 F     37:49   37:08 11:57 
  390  16/25     397 Mindi Wendel          Omaha NE           41 F     38:20   37:23 12:02 
  391            559 Raceday Registration                              39:10   37:25 12:03 
  392            583 Raceday Registration                              38:48   37:29 12:04 
  393   8/12      30 Dale Battleson        Omaha NE           59 M     39:25   37:31 12:05 
  394  24/31     322 Andrea Schade         La Vista NE        32 F     39:25   37:32 12:05 
  395            591 Raceday Registration                              39:44   37:37 12:07 
  396            571 Raceday Registration                              38:42   37:44 12:09 
  397  15/18     522 Mindy Schreiber       Columbus NE        24 F     39:38   37:47 12:10 
  398  18/21     210 Melanie Krings        Omaha NE           29 F     39:38   37:47 12:10 
  399   5/19     457 Maggie Ferguson       Lexington KY       10 F     39:17   37:48 12:10 
  400  27/31     178 Derek Jackson         Omaha NE           42 M     38:26   37:50 12:11 
  401   6/19     179 Whitney Jackson       Omaha NE           12 F     38:26   37:50 12:11 
  402  26/27      15 Josh Allen            Papillion NE       36 M     39:39   37:55 12:12 
  403  26/34      16 Maddox Allen          Papillion NE        7 M     39:40   37:55 12:13 
  404  21/23     303 Alexandra Rahn        Gretna NE          13 F     39:34   37:57 12:13 
  405  12/18     353 Laura Stueck          Omaha NE           52 F     38:21   38:02 12:15 
  406  25/31     227 Nicola Lodes          Papillion NE       33 F     39:04   38:10 12:17 
  407  13/18     373 Lisa Vance            Papillion NE       52 F     39:29   38:13 12:18 
  408  10/12     236 Quinn Maass           Omaha NE           22 M     38:15   38:15 12:19 
  409  27/34      47 Gus Bratetic          Omaha NE            9 M     39:29   38:15 12:19 
  410  19/31      46 Aimee Bratetic        Omaha NE           36 F     39:30   38:16 12:19 
  411   5/6      516 Jerry Belmont         Bennington NE      74 M     40:04   38:17 12:20 
  412  26/31     289 Christine Ono         Omaha NE           33 F     40:14   38:28 12:23 
  413  28/34     111 Bryson Fenske         Omaha NE            7 M     39:16   38:32 12:24 
  414  20/31     113 Tamera Fenske         Omaha NE           37 F     39:15   38:32 12:24 
  415  26/29     112 Jared Fenske          Omaha NE           34 M     39:16   38:32 12:25 
  416  29/34      38 Colin Bolay           Omaha NE            8 M     39:33   38:43 12:28 
  417  16/18     116 Brooke Fletcher       Omaha NE           22 F     39:22   38:46 12:29 
  418  11/15     117 Scott Fletcher        Omaha NE           53 M     39:23   38:46 12:29 
  419   7/14      50 Maureen Brown         Omaha NE           55 F     40:06   38:55 12:32 
  420   7/19     308 Cecilia Regan         Omaha NE           10 F     39:00   38:57 12:32 
  421  21/31     419 Natalee Carlson       Omaha NE           36 F     40:32   39:02 12:34 
  422  18/22     423 Connee Geise          Omaha NE           49 F     39:21   39:02 12:34 
  423  22/31      31 Erica Behrens         Omaha NE           35 F     39:14   39:10 12:37 
  424  14/18     358 Sandy Thelen          Omaha NE           52 F     39:59   39:10 12:37 
  425  30/34      40 Will Bolay            Omaha NE           11 M     40:10   39:19 12:40 
  426  23/31      39 Kate Bolay            Omaha NE           37 F     40:09   39:20 12:40 
  427  22/23     292 Jadyn Ostrand         Omaha NE           13 F     40:34   39:26 12:42 
  428  27/29     487 Adam Innes            Omaha NE           32 M     40:20   39:35 12:45 
  429  27/27     520 Mike Schlickbernd     Omaha NE           38 M     41:12   39:36 12:45 
  430  17/25     519 Jeri Schlickbernd     Omaha NE           40 F     41:12   39:37 12:45 
  431   8/19     535 Alexa Thornton        Omaha NE           12 F     40:25   39:40 12:46 
  432  19/22     456 Amanda Ferguson       Lexington KY       49 F     41:42   40:14 12:57 
  433  27/31      44 Charmaine Box         Omaha NE           34 F     42:22   40:16 12:58 
  434   9/19     129 Lucy Gerraughty       Omaha NE            8 F     42:13   40:44 13:07 
  435  23/27     130 Sam Gerraughty        Omaha NE           45 M     42:14   40:44 13:07 
  436   8/14     228 Vicky Lodes           Bellevue NE        59 F     41:43   40:56 13:11 
  437  19/21     398 Cyndi Wenninghoff     Council Bluffs IA  28 F     41:01   41:01 13:13 
  438            575 Raceday Registration                              42:20   41:02 13:13 
  439  24/27     309 Kevin Regan           Omaha NE           45 M     41:10   41:06 13:14 
  440  10/19     310 Slaine Regan          Omaha NE            7 F     41:11   41:08 13:15 
  441  20/21      43 Heather Borkowski     Gretna NE          29 F     41:39   41:19 13:18 
  442  21/21      61 Lacey Chandler        Omaha NE           28 F     41:39   41:20 13:19 
  443  11/19     446 Samantha Jo Randels   Gretna NE          11 F     43:29   41:39 13:25 
  444  12/19     422 Erin Frank            Gretna NE          12 F     43:31   41:41 13:25 
  445   9/12     134 Mike Goos             Columbus NE        58 M     43:26   41:57 13:30 
  446  18/25     379 Andrea Vlademar       Belleville MI      42 F     42:43   42:09 13:34 
  447  13/19     254 Abby Mills            Omaha NE            9 F     44:12   42:10 13:35 
  448  14/19     257 Lily Mills            Omaha NE            7 F     44:33   42:30 13:41 
  449  11/12     481 Miguel Garcia         Omaha NE           20 M     43:28   42:33 13:42 
  450  24/31     404 Tara Windenburg       Cedar Rapids IA    37 F     42:54   42:42 13:45 
  451  28/31     482 Miguel Garcia-Jimenez Omaha NE           41 M     43:48   42:52 13:48 
  452            568 Raceday Registration                              44:19   43:01 13:51 
  453  15/18     147 Becky Hague           Papillion NE       50 F     43:43   43:02 13:51 
  454  12/15     532 Chris Thacker         Omaha NE           54 M     44:31   43:07 13:53 
  455  16/18     533 Deb Thacker           Omaha NE           50 F     44:31   43:07 13:53 
  456  29/31     305 Scott Rahn            Gretna NE          43 M     44:45   43:09 13:54 
  457  23/23     428 Allison Johnson       Papillion NE       17 F     44:50   43:13 13:55 
  458  27/27     421 Jt Doxzon             Papillion NE       18 M     44:50   43:13 13:55 
  459  28/31     245 Megan McNeal          Omaha NE           30 F     44:22   43:16 13:56 
  460  28/29     244 John McNeal           Omaha NE           31 M     44:22   43:16 13:56 
  461  25/31     369 Gretchen Twohig       Elkhorn NE         39 F     45:19   43:17 13:56 
  462  31/34     368 Cole Twohig           Elkhorn NE          5 M     45:19   43:20 13:57 
  463  15/19     349 Lauren Stave          Omaha NE            7 F     44:57   43:32 14:01 
  464   9/14     313 Ruth Rodgers          Omaha NE           55 F     44:46   43:45 14:05 
  465  16/19     258 Marly Mills           Omaha NE            5 F     45:55   43:50 14:07 
  466  26/31     255 Angie Mills           Omaha NE           39 F     45:55   43:51 14:07 
  467  17/18     243 Sharon Marks          Omaha NE           51 F     46:05   44:17 14:16 
  468  10/12     226 Mike Lodes            Bellevue NE        59 M     45:11   44:24 14:18 
  469  19/25     363 Valerie Tiemann       Omaha NE           44 F     45:34   44:54 14:27 
  470  20/22     443 Janet Poit            Bellevue NE        48 F     46:37   45:31 14:39 
  471            556 Raceday Registration                              46:40   45:49 14:45 
  472  17/19     536 Amalia Thornton       Omaha NE            8 F     46:40   45:49 14:45 
  473  32/34     327 Garrett Schmidt       Omaha NE            8 M     47:55   45:55 14:47 
  474  27/31     328 Kara Schmidt          Omaha NE           38 F     47:57   45:58 14:48 
  475  29/29     389 Jim Walla             Omaha NE           31 M     48:00   46:26 14:57 
  476  23/23      98 Ryan Edington         Omaha NE           27 M     48:00   46:26 14:57 
  477  28/31     386 Anastasia Wagner      Elkhorn NE         36 F     48:45   46:27 14:57 
  478  30/31     387 Patrick Wagner        Elkhorn NE         41 M     48:45   46:27 14:57 
  479            548 Raceday Registration                              48:30   46:28 14:58 
  480   6/6      365 Phuoc Tran            Omaha NE           75 M     48:31   46:52 15:05 
  481  13/15     199 Jack Kigerl           Omaha NE           53 M     48:19   46:55 15:07 
  482  33/34     200 Nathan Kigerl         Omaha NE           10 M     48:20   46:56 15:07 
  483  18/19     198 Delaney Kigerl        Omaha NE           10 F     48:19   46:56 15:07 
  484  20/25     132 Tami Goodell          Albert Lea MN      44 F     48:23   47:02 15:09 
  485  21/25     238 Teri Madsen           Papillon NE        40 F     48:23   47:02 15:09 
  486  17/18     272 Abby Nelson           Omaha NE           19 F     48:06   47:28 15:17 
  487  25/27     276 Wes Nelson            Omaha NE           48 M     48:06   47:29 15:17 
  488  21/22     273 Jeanette Nelson       Omaha NE           48 F     48:09   47:32 15:18 
  489  26/27     259 Peter Mixan           Omaha NE           45 M     50:02   49:06 15:49 
  490            557 Raceday Registration                              50:08   49:15 15:51 
  491  10/14     277 Diane Nepple          Carroll IA         57 F     50:07   49:27 15:55 
  492   4/5       11 Joann Acierno         Omaha NE           60 F     51:46   50:15 16:11 
  493   1/1      412 Marj Adair            Mondamin IA        75 F     52:47   50:56 16:24 
  494  11/12     490 Mitch Knobbe          Auburn WA          56 M     52:06   50:59 16:25 
  495  14/15     491 Paul Knobbe           Omaha NE           51 M     52:07   51:00 16:25 
  496  11/14     489 Caroll Knobbe         Eugene OR          59 F     52:07   51:01 16:26 
  497  15/15     294 Tom Ostrand           Omaha NE           50 M     52:18   51:09 16:28 
  498  19/19     291 Caleigh Ostrand       Omaha NE           11 F     52:17   51:10 16:28 
  499   5/5      252 Joy Miley             Omaha NE           61 F     53:33   51:39 16:38 
  500  12/14     527 Debra Sipola          Waukesha WI        56 F     53:20   51:53 16:42 
  501  22/22     232 Julie Maass           Omaha NE           49 F     52:48   52:48 17:00 
  502  29/31     521 Lisa Schlitzkus       Elkhorn NE         35 F     53:51   52:52 17:01 
  503  30/31     531 Jessica Summers       Omaha NE           35 F     53:51   52:52 17:01 
  504  31/31     483 Jessica Greise        McClelland IA      38 F     54:16   52:54 17:02 
  505            578 Raceday Registration                              54:16   52:54 17:02 
  506            564 Raceday Registration                              55:10   53:20 17:10 
  507  13/14     338 Jean Shramek          Tekamah NE         56 F     54:45   53:40 17:17 
  508  22/25     293 Jennifer Ostrand      Omaha NE           43 F     55:18   54:09 17:26 
  509  18/18     224 Gail Lindekugel       Gretna NE          54 F     55:57   54:30 17:33 
  510  23/25     444 Mary Jo Randels       Gretna NE          44 F     58:05   55:25 17:51 
  511  34/34     348 Justin Stave          Omaha NE            7 M     57:06   55:42 17:56 
  512  24/25     345 Angie Stave           Omaha NE           41 F     57:10   55:45 17:57 
  513  31/31     229 Tig Loeffler          Omaha NE           44 M     56:58   55:48 17:58 
  514  18/18     479 Chelsea Duke          Corvallis OR       22 F     57:00   55:53 18:00 
  515  12/12     544 Clay Walker           Corvallis OR       21 M     57:00   55:53 18:00 
  516  27/27     445 Rob Randels           Gretna NE          47 M     58:01   56:11 18:05 
  517  25/25     388 Tina Walker           Lavista NE         43 F     59:23   56:42 18:15 
  518  14/14      92 Gerri Dimauro         Lavista NE         59 F     59:24   56:43 18:16 
  519  29/31     188 Deanna Johnson        Omaha NE           32 F   1:00:17   58:35 18:52 
  520  12/12     189 Mike Johnson          Omaha NE           55 M   1:00:23   58:36 18:52 
  521  30/31     524 Stacey Shinaut        Omaha NE           31 F     59:14   59:14 19:04 
  522  31/31     114 Melanie Ferguson      Elkhorn NE         31 F     59:15   59:15 19:04 
  523            588 Raceday Registration                            1:00:13   59:39 19:12 
  524            589 Raceday Registration                            1:00:13   59:39 19:12