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The Green 5K

The Green 5K

Raccoon River Park, West Des Moines, IA

April 20, 2019

45 degrees, sunny
Results by Michael Franke

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                               Last updated April 20, 2019 11:18 AM
 PLACE   PLACE                   FINISHER                  TIME

    1    1 OpM  Parker Newcomb, 16                         18:20  
    2    2 OpM  Chance Adam, 15                            18:34  
    3    3 OpM  devin ledesma, 23                          19:06  
    4    4 OpM  Garrett Woodson, 28                        20:20  
    5    5 OpM  Joseph Stipe, 29                           20:28  
    6    6 OpM  Caleb Ten Pas, 11                          20:47  
    1    1 OpW  Abby Schmitz, 37*                          20:58  
    7    7 OpM  Mason Tonnemalher, 14                      22:46  
    8    8 OpM  Owen Meyers, 34                            22:58  
    9    9 OpM  Jamie Clark, 48                            23:02  
   10   10 OpM  Neah Bunkers, 16                           23:11  
   11           Mark Poots-Jacobsen                        23:13  
   12   11 OpM  Matt Dalton, 27                            23:23  
   13   12 OpM  Breden Vanderpool, 19                      23:29  
    2    2 OpW  Kelly Meyers, 31*                          23:39  
   14   13 OpM  Ben Osborn, 29                             23:45  
    3    3 OpW  McKenna Mullen, 15*                        23:55  
    4    4 OpW  Jamie Haugen, 27*                          24:13  
    5    5 OpW  Julie Keppy, 27*                           24:14  
   15   14 OpM  Nathan Hays, 46                            24:19  
   16   15 OpM  Chase Lathrum, 21                          24:27  
    6    6 OpW  Sydnie Martin, 43*                         24:42  
    7    7 OpW  Lisa Huebner, 37*                          24:44  
   17   16 OpM  Steve Burke, 47                            24:50  
   18   17 OpM  Keith Olson, 35                            24:51  
   19   18 OpM  Kyle Ten Pas, 42                           24:54  
   20           Neah Bunkers                               25:10  
   21   19 OpM  Kyle Schaeffer, 22                         25:14  
   22   20 OpM  Brett Leighton, 33                         25:15  
   23   21 OpM  Ross Aronson, 40                           25:29  
   24   22 OpM  Doug McKinstry, 48                         25:39  
   25   23 OpM  Blake Bonnicksen, 28                       25:41  
   26   24 OpM  Chase Adam, 14                             25:55  
    8    8 OpW  Emily Hat, 23*                             25:59  
   27   25 OpM  Sam Burke, 11                              26:08  
   28   26 OpM  Brady Smith, 22                            26:11  
   29   27 OpM  Preston Poots-Jacobsen, 26                 26:17  
   30   28 OpM  Eric Kallem, 38                            26:27  
   31   29 OpM  Dave Duit, 52                              26:28  
   32   30 OpM  Mike Bandstra, 42                          26:28  
   33   31 OpM  Brennon Ryan, 21                           26:32  
   34   32 OpM  Mike Hamabar, 49                           26:37  
    9    9 OpW  Dana Billingsley, 24*                      26:43  
   35   33 OpM  Shannon Cline, 33                          26:50  
   36   34 OpM  Scott Belger, 48                           26:55  
   37   35 OpM  Dallas Tisue, 12                           26:57  
   38   36 OpM  Kiptyn Cox, 9                              26:58  
   39   37 OpM  Ty Martin, 43                              27:01  
   10   10 OpW  Lillian Cote, 41*                          27:03  
   40   38 OpM  Colton Schulte, 8                          27:04  
   41           Ryan Cox                                   27:05  
   11   11 OpW  Ava VanDaele, 13*                          27:06  
   12   12 OpW  Abby Davis, 15*                            27:07  
   42   39 OpM  Ryan Dalton, 24                            27:16  
   43   40 OpM  Devin DePhillips, 27                       27:16  
   44   41 OpM  Edward Bell, 59                            27:21  
   45   42 OpM  Adrian Lizarde, 29                         27:35  
   13   13 OpW  Rylea Miller, 14*                          27:36  
   14   14 OpW  Amber Van Daele, 43*                       27:37  
   15   15 OpW  Ashley Miller, 36*                         27:45  
   16   16 OpW  Courtney McKibbin, 42*                     27:53  
   17   17 OpW  Amber Osborn, 26*                          27:58  
   46   43 OpM  Nick Pottratz, 42                          28:08  
   18   18 OpW  Maggie Anderson, 22*                       28:15  
   19   19 OpW  Jody Jones, 50*                            28:16  
   47   44 OpM  Jamod Appenzeller, 32                      28:19  
   48   45 OpM  Ryan Schulte, 43                           28:19  
   20   20 OpW  Marcy Schulte, 12*                         28:20  
   21   21 OpW  Kacie Allen, 32*                           28:29  
   22   22 OpW  Emily Jensen, 22*                          28:31  
   23   23 OpW  Heidi Palmer, 34*                          28:32  
   24   24 OpW  Jenny Gray, 35*                            28:37  
   25   25 OpW  Jennifer Steel, 40*                        28:43  
   26   26 OpW  Lauren Clark, 36*                          28:49  
   49   46 OpM  Henry Waddell, 9                           28:50  
   27   27 OpW  Sara Bryant, 40*                           29:08  
   50   47 OpM  Andrew Bryant, 39                          29:09  
   51   48 OpM  Ryan Quesnell, 27                          29:11  
   52   49 OpM  Nick Ross, 21                              29:14  
   28   28 OpW  Wanda Ross, 48*                            29:15  
   53   50 OpM  Sofia Desoto, 29                           29:16  
   54   51 OpM  Clint Thompson, 44                         29:18  
   29   29 OpW  Mary Flanigan, 34*                         29:21  
   55   52 OpM  Adler Reha, 12                             29:22  
   30   30 OpW  Claire Davis, 12*                          29:25  
   56   53 OpM  Matthew Plowman, 47                        29:26  
   31   31 OpW  Jullian Ramsey, 12*                        29:28  
   32   32 OpW  Ohara Lesher, 22*                          29:31  
   33   33 OpW  Tracy Lesher, 47*                          29:31  
   34   34 OpW  Amelia Lesher, 19*                         29:32  
   35   35 OpW  Michelle Brunsen, 48*                      29:36  
   36   36 OpW  Sydney Shie, 20*                           29:38  
   57   54 OpM  Tristan Day, 12                            29:56  
   37   37 OpW  Kristin MacKenzie, 33*                     30:03  
   38   38 OpW  Andrea Whitlock, 30*                       30:04  
   39   39 OpW  Jenna Cline, 33*                           30:05  
   58   55 OpM  Scott Davis, 48                            30:19  
   40   40 OpW  Hannah Davis, 32*                          30:21  
   41   41 OpW  Jennifer Rodine, 46*                       30:24  
   42   42 OpW  Gina Ten Pas, 39*                          30:32  
   43   43 OpW  Kristin Brown, 36*                         30:54  
   44   44 OpW  Abbey Luellen, 30*                         30:58  
   45   45 OpW  Donna Hays, 41*                            30:59  
   46   46 OpW  Sarah Van Pelt, 33*                        30:59  
   47   47 OpW  Cooper Burke, 9*                           31:03  
   48   48 OpW  Karrie Truitt, 42*                         31:04  
   49   49 OpW  Katie McGlaun, 35*                         31:05  
   50   50 OpW  Chelsy Funaro, 30*                         31:06  
   51   51 OpW  Jenny Manny, 34*                           31:07  
   52   52 OpW  Sharlyn Marshall, 62*                      31:12  
   53   53 OpW  Andrea Lawson, 56*                         31:30  
   54   54 OpW  Kora Maki, 41*                             31:37  
   59   56 OpM  Erik Maki, 41                              31:38  
   60   57 OpM  Devin Duit, 56                             31:40  
   55   55 OpW  Laura Henderson, 33*                       31:52  
   56   56 OpW  Heidi Brown, 41*                           31:59  
   57   57 OpW  Angie Point, 40*                           32:00  
   58   58 OpW  Tabitha Monohon, 29*                       32:06  
   59   59 OpW  Nicole Foote, 37*                          32:09  
   60   60 OpW  Abbi Ryan, 20*                             32:10  
   61   61 OpW  Brittany McDermott, 30*                    32:11  
   62   62 OpW  Rebecca Miller, 25*                        32:21  
   63   63 OpW  Amanda Gridley, 23*                        32:22  
   61   58 OpM  Robert Donlon, 34                          32:25  
   64   64 OpW  Dana Kaufman, 40*                          32:34  
   65   65 OpW  Kim Wettengel, 59*                         32:39  
   66   66 OpW  Sue Mattison, 61*                          32:40  
   67   67 OpW  Sherri Hart, 50*                           32:42  
   62   59 OpM  Greg Wimmer, 33                            32:44  
   68   68 OpW  Ravan Kaufman, 10*                         32:46  
   63   60 OpM  Tyler Schoer, 10                           32:52  
   69   69 OpW  Haley Powers-Risdal, 30*                   33:01  
   64           Shawn Clark                                33:04  
   70   70 OpW  Melissa Wimmer, 32*                        33:24  
   65   61 OpM  Neil Glaser, 49                            33:28  
   71   71 OpW  Courtney Eash, 21*                         33:30  
   72   72 OpW  Angeline Powers, 24*                       33:35  
   66   62 OpM  Scott Lathrum, 57                          33:41  
   73   73 OpW  Jill Sullivan, 42*                         34:10  
   74   74 OpW  Sandra Jensen, 55*                         34:20  
   75   75 OpW  Sydney Burke, 14*                          34:35  
   67   63 OpM  Tammer Smith, 20                           34:38  
   76   76 OpW  Ann Davis, 39*                             34:48  
   77   77 OpW  Stacie Mullen, 46*                         35:04  
   78   78 OpW  Michelle Bennett, 27*                      35:08  
   68   64 OpM  Keith Boot, 38                             35:12  
   79   79 OpW  Mattie Tucker, 19*                         35:38  
   80   80 OpW  Courtney LaMair, 24*                       35:44  
   69   65 OpM  Rod Warren, 55                             35:44  
   81   81 OpW  Riley Graham, 22*                          35:48  
   82   82 OpW  Julie Goodman, 56*                         35:49  
   70   66 OpM  Michael Cook, 31                           36:08  
   71   67 OpM  Seth Conn, 34                              36:14  
   83   83 OpW  Erin Eickman, 36*                          36:27  
   84   84 OpW  Lori Reha, 42*                             36:32  
   85   85 OpW  Michele Ramsey, 47*                        36:33  
   86   86 OpW  Megan Venner, 27*                          36:39  
   72           Joe Phillips                               37:02  
   87   87 OpW  Sabrina Phillips, 38*                      37:03  
   88   88 OpW  Raquel Eash, 48*                           37:09  
   89   89 OpW  Melinda Davids, 36*                        37:11  
   90   90 OpW  Steph Salama, 31*                          37:20  
   91   91 OpW  Joanna Sims, 54*                           37:20  
   92   92 OpW  Anne Risewick, 36*                         37:23  
   93   93 OpW  Francine Brown, 39*                        37:24  
   73   68 OpM  Luke Ritt, 33                              37:24  
   94   94 OpW  Mackenzie Morgan, 24*                      37:27  
   95   95 OpW  Shannon Gleason, 32*                       37:28  
   74   69 OpM  Dylan Delagardelle, 36                     37:35  
   96   96 OpW  Mary Spreng, 53*                           37:37  
   75   70 OpM  john will, 48                              37:52  
   97   97 OpW  Calli Stenzel, 29*                         37:53  
   98   98 OpW  Gabrielle Turner, 34*                      38:03  
   76   71 OpM  Henry Wood, 42                             38:11  
   99   99 OpW  Mary Vanderlinden, 11*                     38:20  
   77           #965                                       38:33  
  100  100 OpW  Laurie Plowman, 47*                        38:38  
  101  101 OpW  Emily Vanderlimden, 38*                    38:40  
  102  102 OpW  Sherry Breitman, 49*                       38:54  
   78   72 OpM  Jim Mann, 49                               38:54  
   79   73 OpM  Nick Andrade, 26                           39:13  
  103  103 OpW  Ellie Engelbrecht, 25*                     39:55  
  104  104 OpW  Valecia Cote, 42*                          39:57  
  105  105 OpW  Ashley Volsen, 31*                         40:00  
  106  106 OpW  Michelle Nelson, 48*                       40:01  
  107  107 OpW  Addison Bandstra, 41*                      40:27  
  108  108 OpW  Jessica Donlon, 37*                        40:38  
  109  109 OpW  McKayla Moore, 23*                         40:42  
  110  110 OpW  Mikayla Askren, 21*                        40:43  
  111  111 OpW  Megan Wichman, 34*                         40:49  
  112  112 OpW  Leslie Day, 41*                            41:00  
  113  113 OpW  Leigh Hill, 39*                            41:05  
  114  114 OpW  Shannon Terry, 44*                         41:05  
  115  115 OpW  Madison Bonner-Palmer, 18*                 41:09  
  116  116 OpW  Shawna Bedard, 46*                         41:29  
  117  117 OpW  Annabelle Waddell, 6*                      42:22  
  118  118 OpW  Lindsay Waddell, 41*                       42:22  
  119  119 OpW  Deborah Jurshak, 64*                       42:29  
   80   74 OpM  Josh Neville, 32                           42:50  
  120  120 OpW  Sophia Dominguez, 32*                      42:50  
   81   75 OpM  Timothy Shie, 51                           43:06  
  121  121 OpW  Emily Shie, 18*                            43:06  
   82   76 OpM  Nathan Hays, 46                            43:16  
  122  122 OpW  Kari Barker, 44*                           43:49  
  123  123 OpW  Juli Tripple, 43*                          43:53  
   83   77 OpM  Eli Tripple, 7                             43:54  
  124  124 OpW  Kali Smith, 40*                            43:58  
  125  125 OpW  Kathleen Shie, 49*                         44:10  
  126  126 OpW  Michelle Jenkins, 55*                      44:11  
  127  127 OpW  Janet Hircock, 58*                         44:13  
  128  128 OpW  Winter Monohon, 9*                         44:22  
  129  129 OpW  Patti Pruismann, 61*                       44:50  
  130  130 OpW  Tegwyn Smith, 55*                          44:54  
  131  131 OpW  Harper Wells, 7*                           44:58  
  132  132 OpW  Mallory Wells, 33*                         45:00  
  133  133 OpW  Sondra Childs-Smith, 59*                   45:07  
   84   78 OpM  Sam Gecke, 7                               45:41  
  134  134 OpW  Eloise Waddell, 7*                         45:42  
  135  135 OpW  Hillary Gecke, 39*                         45:43  
  136  136 OpW  Laura May Chapman, 34*                     46:39  
  137  137 OpW  Becky Parezo, 36*                          46:39  
  138  138 OpW  Grace Tripple, 8*                          46:56  
  139  139 OpW  Izzy Tripple, 7*                           46:59  
   85   79 OpM  Doug Tripple, 45                           47:02  
   86   80 OpM  Jimmy Lindstrom, 28                        47:29  
   87   81 OpM  Joshua Howard, 30                          48:27  
  140  140 OpW  Jill Dare, 42*                             48:28  
  141  141 OpW  Carrie Thompson, 44*                       50:30  
   88           #964                                       50:46  
   89           #963                                       50:49  
   90           #962                                       50:50  
   91   82 OpM  Mallory Wells, 33                          53:05  
  142  142 OpW  Abigail Severn, 29*                        53:31  
   92   83 OpM  August Severn, 27                          53:32  
  143  143 OpW  Alex Wood, 11*                             53:59  
  144  144 OpW  Angela Wood, 40*                           54:02  
  145  145 OpW  Alaina Hutchinson, 10*                     54:27  
  146  146 OpW  Mattie Bandstra, 41*                       55:02  
   93   84 OpM  Matthew Poots, 23                          55:55  
   94   85 OpM  Clayton Poots, 19                          56:00  
  147  147 OpW  Grace Nelson, 18*                          56:01  
  148  148 OpW  Madison Nelson, 21*                        56:06  
   95   86 OpM  Jake Cory, 20                              56:07  
  149  149 OpW  Luann Kline, 60*                           56:43  
  150  150 OpW  Josie Gainuss, 16*                         57:08  
   96   87 OpM  Michael Croft, 7                           57:10  
  151  151 OpW  Stephanie Unternahrer, 48*                 57:29  
  152  152 OpW  Christina McGee, 47*                       57:43  
  153  153 OpW  Bonnie Wells, 62*                          57:57  
   97           #430                                       58:11  
  154           Diana Moffitt-Robins*                      58:25  
   98   88 OpM  Dustin Bjornson, 45                      1:00:17  
  155  154 OpW  Kattleya Monohon, 7*                     1:20:00  
* indicates females
10 finishers among Males (no age given)
88 finishers among Open Men
154 finishers among Open Women
1 finishers among Females (no age given)
98 male finishers
155 female finishers
253 total finishers

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